Vampire!Levi x Reader ~ Blood Lust

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Warning: Cursing, Mentions of blood

Summary: You meet the figure of your nightmares and realize he isn't that bad as you thought


Your dreams had been tortured and invaded by some mysterious figure that always ended up in you waking up in a cold sweat, sometimes realizing you had been crying in your sleep and other times you had one of your parents shaking you awake from those nightly terrors.

Tonight wasn't any different though,

Snapping your eyelids open you stared up to your ceiling as the gentle moonlight shined through your thin curtains into your room, raising your hand to your cheek you felt a familiar wetness cover your delicate skin. Sighing you sat up as you had begun to calm down your pounding heart which hampered against your ribs as if it were trying to escape. Rubbing your eyes with the sleeve of your pajamas you flicked your orbs to your nightstand where a small little alarm sat, 3:34. Internally groaning you had accepted the fact that you weren't going back to sleep any time soon.

'Might as well get myself a drink..' you thought as you swung your bare legs over the side of the bed, the soft pitter-patter of your feet against the cold floor as you ventured downstairs to get a drink. Arriving in the kitchen you took out a cup from the cupboard, placing it on the kitchen island you walked around it and opened the fridge, pulling out chocolate milk you poured some into the cup before putting it back in the fridge and bringing your drink back to your room with you, careful not to awaken your parents you ghosted along the hallway and creaked open the door to your room.

The atmosphere in your room felt cold and empty but you just shrugged it off and sat down at the end of your bed, gazing around your room whilst taking sips of your chocolate milk quietly. You heard a slight shuffle in the far corner of your room by your desk where you had your desk with your laptop and other devices. Keeping your tired gaze trained on that part of the room you suddenly started hearing a quiet humming coming from it making your eyebrow quirk in confusion. ''Don't tell me I left my laptop on again..'' you groaned quietly finishing your drink and leaving it on the nightstand.

''No you didn't leave your laptop on again'' a cold voice said through the darkness making you freeze up wide-eyed staring into the shadows. A couple of silent seconds later a male walked out from the darkness, raven yet soft looking hair that shined from the moonlight, smooth pale skin accompanied by distant ice cold eyes staring back at you. Stumbling over your feet you fell back in an attempt to make some distance from this stranger ''what the- who the living world are you?!'' you quietly screech at the man who clicked his tongue. ''I'm Levi, I already know who you are, Y/N L/N'' Levi said as you visibly paled, grabbing the nearest thing next to you-you chucked it at Levi in a panic as he swiftly dodged it. ''Calm the fuck down'' he seethed walking towards you frowning as you flung your entire body out your bedroom door in an attempt to get away.

Levi rolled his eyes and pulled you back into your room by your ankles, forcefully making you skid across your bedroom floor as he locked the door before turning back to you. ''Now calm the fuck down, I'm not going to hurt you idiot'' he said sternly as you gulped nodding ''finally listened to me...'' he exhaled from relief before sitting down at the bottom of your bed as you cautiously sat on the floor watching him. ''What do you want? How do you know me?'' you asked as he shook his head ''I don't want anything, I know you from the multiple nightmares you have, I'm assuming you have someone in them that looks like me? Because you won't get out of my fucking dreams'' he said watching you in thought. Hesitantly nodding you bite your lip after recognizing Levi as the figure that invaded your dreams and shifted them into nightmares. ''Yeah you've been in my dreams but as soon as you pop up it turns to a nightmare'' you frown at the thought as he shrugs.

''Didn't think you would actually get nightmares or whatever from me actually appearing in your dreams'' Levi said as you rose an eyebrow at him in confusion. ''What? What are you even talking about? And what are you even here for?'' you ask as he sends you a quick glare. ''To stop you from fucking appearing in my dreams, it pisses me off and shitty-glasses won't shut the fuck up about her conspiracy theories about us'' Levi snarls as you sigh and sit back in your gaming chair. ''Then how do you stop that? I'd actually like to stop having you mentally torment my dreams, I'd like to keep my sanity thanks'' you say laced with sarcasm. Levi squints his eyes at you as you nervously avoid his gaze, noticing his eyes changed from those cold-ice color to a deep red made you nearly choke on your own spit. ''What the fuck is up with your eyes! They're red!'' you screech as Levi kept staring at you silently.

You continuously glanced back to your locked door and Levi anxiously wanting to get out of this situation. 'He wouldn't be fast enough to catch me if I quickly run and get out of my room.. Then I could wake up my parents or something... I gotta be quick though..' you thought trying to muster up a good plan of escaping. ''If you're thinking of running, don't bother... How about I take you back to the others? We can sort everything out... Plus I'm hungry'' Levi said as he continued to eye your neck. ''What do you mean you're hungry, I'll get you something if you want'' you offered. 'Wait what!? Y/N cut this shit out! This guy just appeared out of thin air in your room! Dammit!' you mentally scolded yourself as Levi shook his head at your offer. ''I don't eat human food'' he stated blankly as you felt yourself getting more confused at him. ''Wait Levi you don't ea-'' you were cut off when he let out a loud groan as if trying to contain himself before he suddenly shot up and yanked your body over to the bed in front of him. ''WHAT ARE YOU-!?'' you tried to scream but he covered your mouth ''shut the fuck up I'm not going to do anything to you I'm just going to feed off you, understand?'' he growled as you nodded completely terrified if you didn't agree.

Levi slid your shirt off of your shoulder exposing your neck to him before he opened his mouth, catching a glimpse of- wait.. were those fangs!? FANGS!? 'He's some vampire fucker!? What is this!?' you mentally screamed feeling his breathe on your skin before you felt two little pricks in your neck like needles had been stuck into your delicate skin. You felt Levi hold your head up by placing his hand under your chin to support you as you felt like jelly from his touch. Hearing low growls come from him as he held you up against him, satisfying his hunger before his mouth left your neck as you lay against him in a drowsy state.

Feeling Levi lick your neck from the last bit of blood he picked you up and disappeared through your window into the night.

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