Levi x Cleaning!Reader ~ Salvatore

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Request: could you do a songfic based of the song salvatore by lana del rey of levi and his s/o and she sings the italian parts to him everytime

I gotchu fam


Song: Salvatore Lana Del Rey


You couldn't help but like the songs by Lana Del Rey. You didn't know why yet here you were, cleaning while one of your favorites played on the large Tv in the corner of the room. Music pouring from the speakers as you sang along perfectly with every word, Levi was cleaning the staircase listening to your angelic voice from the living room.

As you swept your favorite part of the song played ;







You smiled softly to yourself, not realizing Levi was sitting on one of the steps of the stairs looking in at you.



Ciao Amore

You giggled to yourself and finished sweeping, kneeling down and collecting the dirt in a dust-pan and brush.



Soft ice cream''

You heard a whistle coming from the stairs, looking over you saw Levi smirking over to you making you go bright pink, bringing the dirt and dropping it into the bin in the kitchen you hear Levi call from another part of the house ''never knew you spoke Italian!'' making you smirk softly shaking your head.

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