Dad!Levi x Mom!Reader ~ Babysitter

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Request: So I'm hoping that you've seen incredibles 2(if not it's on netflix) so I'm thinking edna mode with jack jack but hanji with levi and readers baby. Please and thank you!

I haven't really watched Incredibles 2, only little scenes here and there but I've seen a bunch of scenes with Edna and Jack Jack lol

D/N - Daughter Name

Warning: None


Levi managed to get you and him a little trip to the innermost Wall, Sina for a little holiday and break from the Military for a few days. Levi said that you both deserve some alone time along with a little break and said that Hanji volunteered to babysit your four-year-old daughter D/N. Hanji had always been fond of D/N and got along great with her so when she first heard Levi mentioning for someone to mind his daughter she immediately jumped at the opportunity. Being married to Levi for a year now your relationship ran smoothly even with a child.

D/N was a calm kid, she did what she was told without starting a fight plus she'd be extremely protective over you and Levi despite her being four years old, D/N's hair has raven H/L hair, eyes like her father with your nose she was a little angel except for when she was angry, then she turned to a complete devil.

You stood by the hooded carriage that was going to bring you into Sina for the next few days, you stood looking around for D/N to say goodbye to her while Levi packed the two cases into the back of the carriage. You wore skin tight denim jeans along with a blouse and some flats. Levi was wearing a black shirt, some grey pants along with normal shoes.

Hanji said she'll bring D/N here to wave you both off yet you weren't seeing any sign of the two anywhere until a bright bubbly voice called out to you. Spinning around you saw your four-year-old running towards you with the biggest grin as her little flower dress shone in the sun. Smiling you knelt down and let her tackle you in a hug. Hanji was following behind obviously not able to keep up with the young Ackerman. ''Mom! You're so lucky to go to Sina with dad! Oh look at the big horses!'' she piped tearing away from you and pointing to the large white horses that stood waiting. ''Yeah they're pretty big horses aren't they?'' you replied to your daughter who nodded her head. ''Oh Y/N! Finally, I caught up with her!'' Hanji arrived smiling lightly down to your knelt form.

''Hanji you lost her already and we haven't even left yet'' you heard Levi call out from behind you at the carriage making you laugh lightly. Standing up you swiftly went over everything with Hanji about D/N's bedtime and what to do to not anger her since she would scream the HQ down if she got angry. You watched D/N go over to Levi and start a small conversation with him, looking back to Hanji you shot her a smile.

''Thanks for doing this Hanji, if she doesn't behave tell me when I get back alright?'' the woman nodded in understanding ''I'll take good care of her Y/N, you just enjoy Sina with Levi'' Hanji chuckled as you snickered. ''Yeah I will'' you noticing Levi peck D/N's cheek before letting her return to Hanji.

''You ready Y/N?'' Levi asked as you nodded eagerly getting in the carriage and sitting on the soft seat, Levi climbed in and shut the door after before he knocked on the wall of the carriage for the coachman to start.

// Hanji's P.O.V \

I watched Levi and Y/N leave, resting my hands on my hips before I send a cheeky grin to the four-year-old next to me. '' Now... Let's play a few games!'' I cheer out as D/N nods up to me, taking my hand in her own she sprints off nearly tripping me over. ''Woah aren't you a strong little woman!'' I snicker to the little raven-haired girl.

Soon arriving back at my lab D/N sits down looking around curiously. ''So what game do you want to play? Hmmmm... Maybe a game called 'let's see how strong you are!' does that sound like fun?'' I suggested eagerly to find out how strong D/N could be. Tilting her head to the side she nods anyway making me squeal from delight ''come on then! Let's go outside to the training field!'' I spring up from giddiness and run out of the lab with D/N following.

We've been out on the training field for quite some time now, D/N hasn't even broken a sweat from us playing 'chase' but really I was interested in her stamina and abilities and made little games out of them. Eren and the other's training was now going on and I asked Jean if he wanted to go against D/N, he was confused but agreed anyway.

Not even twenty seconds in and Jean had been dropped to the ground, landing on his back he groaned as I burst out laughing cheering D/N on. ''Woah that's amazing D/N great job!'' I grin walking over to the giggling child, patting her head she smirks down at Jean in victory.

// 8 Days Later \

Today Levi and Y/N would be arriving back, all week I was teaching D/N about titans and seeing her skills and strengths. I was impressed to say the least, this little human could pack a punch real hard by knocking out Reiner.

We've definitely grown closer and now have our own little language and nicknames for each other. Walking with D/N to the place where Levi and Y/N would be arriving back I notice the same carriage there and both of them getting out. ''Mom! Dad!'' D/N runs over nearly taking them both down causing me to snicker ''hey kiddo'' Levi pats her head as Y/N begins to smother her in kisses. ''I see you haven't lost her Hanji, thanks'' Levi mutters making me snicker ''anytime shorty! Now.. I gotta go and do paperwork! Cya around muffin!'' I call to D/N who nods back to me smiling. ''Alright googly eyes!'' she titters as I leave.

''Muffin? Googly eyes?'' I could hear Levi ask from behind.

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