Levi x Reader ~ Truth or Dare Pt2

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Summary: A continuation of the last one shot


You and Levi arrived back in the cadet dorm room, opening the door you let him in first before closing the door behind you. Not bothering to look at the others who watched you and Levi enter until you both sat down in silence once again cuddled together. Levi put his tea down to the side and abruptly pulled you onto his lap where he continued to cage you in with his strong arms. Squeaking from surprise you heard Jean snicker from across from you ''Alright since they are back~ Connie it's your turn to ask!'' Hanji told the boy who nodded eagerly ''Reiner! Truth or Dare!'' he asked excitedly hoping for a dare ''truth'' Reiner responded smirking watching Connie's face fall slightly ''alright then... Have you ever kissed a girl?'' Connie crossed his arms, Reiner looked to be in thought before nodding his head. Quickly he turned to the nearest girl, which of course with your luck was you and planted a firm kiss to your lips. Eyes widening you yelped from the sudden action as Levi pulled you into his chest more ''Do that again Braun and I'll break your legs'' Levi hissed to the taller boy who shrugged whilst the others laughed at Levi's protective behavior over you.

''Alright then Captain..'' Reiner said not stepping down ''Truth or dare sir?'' he asked slyly ''Dare.'' Levi said blankly as Reiner grinned ''I dare you to make Y/N run 100 laps'' he chuckled making Levi growl lightly before sighing ''Oi, 100 laps, now.'' he looked down to you sternly, shoulders slumping you climbed back up walking past Reiner you connected the palm of your hand to his forehead resulting in a hard slap making him wince. ''Fuck you Reiner'' you snarled to him before walking out.

You had managed to do sixty laps but since nobody was watching you, you decided to let the rest go. Heading back inside you grumbled to yourself obviously wanting to get sweet revenge on Reiner. Entering the dorm room again with the scariest frown you've ever had you marched back over to Levi glaring daggers at Reiner who chuckled at your sour behavior. ''Reiner truth or dare?'' you spat making him ''Dare sweetheart'' Reiner teased you, hearing Levi fidget from beside you-you continued to glare at the boy across from you ''go outside, run 200 laps, come back in here and do 60 pushups in the corner'' you droned making the dare sound as painful as ever. Eren burst into laughter soon joined by everyone else ''damn Y/N I never knew you could be so strict!'' he laughed holding onto his stomach ''Shorty is rubbing off on you'' Hanji added as Reiner got up and left to do the laps.

A while he returned and finished up with the pushups, by now I was holding onto Levi's side due to the dare from Jean earlier making us cuddle and cling to each other. ''Woah you two are still doing the dare I made you do?'' Jean questioned, nodding you playfully pouted up to your superior who was more interested in his drink rather than you. It was Historia's turn to ask someone and she asked Mikasa, which answered in truth. ''Why do you protect Eren so much?'' the blonde asked in curiousness, Mikasa gave her a small smile ''he's my adoptive brother and I care for him'' she answered as Historia nodded. It has been a while since you and Levi were asked so you two were left to sit and watch, of course you were daydreaming not paying attention to anything or anyone until you saw a firm pair of fingers click in front of your face. Looking up to see Levi staring down at you raising an eyebrow slightly ''finally, you're listening to Connie is asking you truth or dare'' he informed before you turned to your friend smiling ''sorry I was daydreaming'' you apologize to him watching him nod ''Truth or dare Y/N?'' he smirked as you hummed for a second before deciding ''dare!'' you returned the smirk as the boy had a strange glint in his eye. ''Since it's obvious there's something going on between you and the Captain, kiss his cheek'' Connie crossed his arms as a blush ignited on your face, in front of everyone? Here? Levi glanced down to you before he continued to sip his tea, scratching the back of your neck you softly pecked his smooth cheek.

''There you happy? Alright now... Eren truth or dare?'' you spun to your childhood friend ''Truth!'' he said a little too excitedly ''Would you fuck Mikasa?'' the way you said it made people snicker and laugh you even managed to make Levi chuckle. ''EH WAT NO! Y/N I THOUGHT YOU KNEW THIS!'' Eren screeched as Mikasa hid her red face in her scarf.

// Time Skip \

By now only a few people remained you, Hanji, Levi, Jean, Eren and Mikasa. Yawning you looked to the time, midnight?! How has Hanji or Levi not called this thing off!? Stretching you stood up yawning once again ''I'm going to bed guys.. It's pretty late'' you gestured to the clock, Levi glanced over to it before clicking his tongue ''you're right, it's late get to bed'' he ordered the last few remaining players who nodded tiredly. Walking to your bunk across the room a hand caught your wrist making you look over your shoulder in confusion ''come with me'' Levi said lightly loosening his grip on you. ''Alright but don't blame me in the morning for being late to breakfast'' you mumbled earning an eye roll from the raven-haired man as he led you out of the cadet room. Walking through the hallways he didn't let go of your wrist before he suddenly turned and opened a door walking inside he locked it behind you.

''What are you doing..?'' you questioned at him when he turned around to face you. ''We're going to sleep in my bed, got it?'' Levi lulled, not bothering to put up much of a fight from tiredness you nodded as he guided you into his large bedroom where a king-sized bed awaited. Taking off your boots and gear you flopped onto the soft mattress as Levi neatly folded his cravat leaving it on a chair at the side of the room after taking his gear off, climbing into bed Levi pulled you closer to him. Snuggling into his chest you felt yourself dozing off slowly, Levi wrapped his arms around your petite form casting one of his legs over your own and rested his head on top of yours.

''Sleep well Y/N..'' Levi mumbled ''night captain...'' you responded finally falling asleep. 

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