Headcanon #7

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request: Headcannons for how Levi and his s/o act around others vs. being alone together

Wowcha u guys sure do like hc's huh lol

Warnings: Mentions of inappropriate acts

Reader is 18+


// Act Around Others \

× Levi would have his cold exterior playing when you and him are with everyone else

× Expect sneaky glances from him

× Levi would subtly always make sure he's standing/sitting beside you

× Hanji quickly picking on and teasing you about being 'The Corporal's favorite'

× Levi smirks seeing your flushed face

× You would rest your hand on his knee under the table teasing him by slowly sliding it up his tigh

× Levi's eyes would dart to you, his eyes screaming at you not to dare do it

× But you do

× Your hands eventually rest over his crotch innocently

// Alone Together \

× You and Levi would cuddle and talk in bed or either in his chair

× Sitting on his lap while he does paperwork

× Shower together

× You two chatting about anything

× Until he says a really dirty joke making you go red in the face

× Payback for the table event hm?

× You messing with his soft hair because you love it

× Being very active during the night

× Levi just being so sweet and treasuring your affection and cuddles

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