Crush!Levi x Reader ~ Outside

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Summary: You and your friends, Mikasa, Eren and Armin talk about the outside world and your futures, secretly being listened to by a certain Captain

Warning: Spoilers for Aot Season 3, Cursing

A/N: So I've had this idea play in my head for a while now and it's finally time I write about it lmao


"It's weird when I say it... But shouldn't you guys watch out for me more?" Eren sighed hunched over as Armin helped him walk "I knew if you got hurt it would heal up quick, so I just watched" Armin told the brown haired boy beside him, Mikasa followed the two as you walked on slightly ahead. The three sat down next to each other "that's so cruel.." Eren mumbled looking down to the stone path "You're the one who incited it" Mikasa retorted calmly, lost in throught you subconsciously kept walking on ahead thinking your friends were still following until Armin called out to you.

"Hey Y/N where are you going?" he asked gaining the other two's attention, whizzing around you offered a shy smile "sorry I just got lost in thought.. I guess.." you scratched the back of your neck as you made your way back up to the trio "Let me guess... You were thinking about the Captain again?" Eren raised a eyebrow immediately sending you into a blushing state "w-what!? Eren shut up!" you exclaimed in embarrassment, Mikasa chuckled "it's alright Y/N why are you still embarrassed when we talk about your crush?" she pinpoints. Shrugging your shoulders you sat in front of them "I don't know.. I just don't like the thought of people teasing me about it" you sit back looking up to the star sky "we won't tease you, and don't worry if horse face starts teasing you then I'll gladly knock him out" Eren smirked at the thought making you roll your eyes "just to get dropped to the floor by Levi again?" you snicker to him, Armin laughs lightly "yeah he came out of nowhere".

Silence fell over the four of you when you noticed a Garrison soldier walk with a lady across the street, freezing with wide eyes the man looked identical to Hannes. Until he turned around fully making you all ease up and sit in silence.

The silence didn't last long until Mikasa spoke with her arms crossed over her legs "once we retake Wall Maria... A-And defeat all the enemies coming for us... Will they come back?" she asked looking downwards as her raven locks cupped her face. Vivid images of your childhood, your home and your parents came back into your mind as you kept silent." Those days... We'll bring them back.. But some things are forever changed and we'll make them pay for that" Eren responds calmly looking over to the large wall, nodding you sigh leaning back against the step behind you "bein' honest, I actually can't wait to go back home... To walk the streets again.. Smell the fresh baked bread I'm going to make sure we get our home back and I'll be damn stubborn about it" you smirk deviously to them, Eren nods smiling.

"Yeah.. but there's more than that" Armin adds looking to you, tilting your head to the side slightly you raised an eyebrow. "The sea" he smiles "a salt lake so big that merchants could spend their whole lives and still not get all the salt" his imagination sparks at the thought of it. Raising his head up to the sky smiling widely "there's more than just titans outside the walls! Fiery water, lands of ice, sandy snowfields.. I joined the scouts so I could see all of that" Armin exclaims turning to Mikasa and Eren. Smiling fondly to the blonde you listen. "Y-yeah you sure did" Eren replies.

Armin leaned forward ever so slightly, his eyes widening a inch before he stood up abruptly. "Right!?" he said grinning "Let's start by seeing the sea! Y/N we can even bring the Captain!" Armin turned to you as you smiled at the thought before he gazed back to Eren. "You still doubt that it's real Eren! You'll see it does exsist!" Armin continues excitedly, Eren couldn't help the smile that tugged at his own lips "all right then.." he replied not breaking eye contact "guess we'll have to go see" he continued. "It's a promise then!" Armin squeaked even more excited "Yet another conversation you two will get" Mikasa pipes up as Armin didn't stop his rambling "we can explore the outside world! It's got to be way bigger than inside the walls!" Armin finishes glancing quickly over behind Mikasa and Eren "okay I get it" Eren tries to calm him down motioning for Armin to sit back down.

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