Insane!Levi x Reader ~ Darkness

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Request: I was wondering if I could request an insane Levi x reader?

Warning: Angst, Cursing


It's been two months since Levi had officially lost his mind, some blame it on shell shock. Nobody really knows for sure what made him snap. We were in a perfectly healthy relationship and things were going great.

Sighing I bit the inside of my cheek as I walked through the empty corridors of the mental institution Levi had been kept in, the guards gave us some privacy when we wanted it to talk about some personal stuff. Arriving outside his padded cell I send a gentle smile to the guards as they hand me a key before walking off.

Opening the door I walk in and shut it from behind me I could hear Levi silently talk to himself about strategies for the expeditions he would take part in, looking over to him Levi had something covering his eyes as he was huddled up in the corner like a scolded child. ''Hello Levi'' I say softly to him as he stops talking before sitting up and looking over to the direction where my voice came from, Levi was forced into a straight jacket and it hurt to see him in such a state. Walking over to him I gently take the cloth up from his eyes letting them shoot open, his cold grey orbs meeting my E/C ones as I sigh letting a small smile form on my lips. ''Y/N..'' he breathes out looking over my features ''yes Levi, it's me, Y/N'' I giggle as he smirks.

''How are you feeling?'' I ask as he rests his head on my shoulder ''Good, I was lonely so I decided to go over some battle strategies'' he says with a hint of proudness. I couldn't help but feel bad for him, I mean, he's been showing a lot of emotion lately and I couldn't help but pity him while he's in this state. Then again, Levi refuses to have anyone apart from me come to visit him which makes me happy that he chose me.

Sitting next to him I rest my head against the padded wall as Levi watches me, trying to flick a strand of his raven hair out of his face. Chuckling I delicately move the strand out of his way as he looks at me in a daze, fixing the collar of my shirt I turn and face forward not really knowing what to say. Silence fills the room as I see Levi in thought from beside me. ''Y/N?'' he asks as I look to him raising an eyebrow ''yeah Levi?'' I respond ''do you still love me?'' he asks as tears build at the corner of his eyes. Taking him into a hug I squeeze him tightly ''of course I do Levi! Even though you're in a sticky situation right now you don't have to worry, just focus on getting better I promise I'll never leave you..'' I say as he rolls his eyes.

''But there's nothing wrong with me! Why does everyone treat me like I've gone mad!? I'm still the same man!'' he exclaims in anger making me flinch from his outburst. ''L-Levi calm down.. Honey..'' I try to ease him down but he just glares at me. ''Don't fucking talk to me! They've turned you against me!'' he shouted at me lunging at me. Scurrying up I felt my heart hamper in my chest from fright as I stood there slowly stepping backward as Levi lay on the ground glaring at me before his look softened. ''Y/N no I'm sorry.. I can't help it'' he sobbed as tears streaked down his pale cheeks. Quietly looking at him you continued to back up away from him as he cried and attempted to get up to you. ''Y/N! I didn't mean to! Please!'' Levi cried.

'He's changed, he's gone too far.... This isn't the Levi that I fell in love with.. this... This is a whole new person..' you thought staring at him as he begged for you to help him. ''L-Levi I have to go, I can't stay here anymore'' you stuttered as he managed to sit up, violently shaking his head his tears fell faster. ''Y/N don't leave me! You promised!'' he begged trying to get to you as you felt your heart shatter in your chest. ''I know..'' you muttered quickly leaving the padded room and locking the door behind you. Hurriedly walking through the corridor as Levi's screams and cries for you didn't stop echoing up the corridor into your ear. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you listened to Levi's pained cries for you.

You can't help him,

Nobody can,

He couldn't escape from the darkness that had already devoured him.

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