Levi x Cat!Reader ~ Feline Friend Pt2

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Warning: Cursing

Summary: A continuation of the first part


Waking up with a soft growl you opened your eyes to be met with a large grey shirt, looking upwards you noticed Levi is still asleep. Shifting slightly you eventually managed to get out of his grasp on you. Stretching slightly you glanced over to the time.. 9am!? You were both late for breakfast!

Springing into action you jumped onto Levi's chest making him groan lightly, but still, he ignored you. Hissing you pawed at his face with a frown. Still no response, 'who knew Levi could be this sleepy?' you thought curiously to yourself before an idea popped into your head. Looking at the wardrobe next to the bed you couldn't help but smirk, swiftly climbing to the top of the wooden furniture you sat there as your tail swished from side to side.

Levi was now laying on his back facing the ceiling with his left arm over his face covering his eyes, his chest lifted up and down ever so slightly. Squinting your eyes to him you stood up and flung your small animal body off the high wardrobe, landing spot on his chest. Levi's eyes shot open as he looked down to his chest frowning ''what the fuck Y/N?'' he growled, hissing you motioned to the time. Levi immediately jumped out of bed before quickly fixing up the covers, grabbing his uniform and a new pair of boxers he disappeared into his bathroom.

Sitting on the bed waiting patiently for the male to return you didn't have to wait long since Levi came out of the bathroom fixing up his cravat before gazing down to you. Leaning down and scratching behind your ears making you purr Levi picked you up and made his way to the mess hall.

Soon arriving at the large room you jumped out of the Captain's arms strolling to your friend's table, your chest puffed out proudly as your tail was held high. Seeing your friends at the table you jumped up onto an empty spot and continued up onto the table itself, sitting down you meowed in a greetings way. ''Good morning Y/N'' Armin smiled, purring in return you licked your lips. Feeling a nudge to your side you looked over your shoulder noticing Mikasa holding out a small piece of bread to you offering it. Shaking your head you pounced off the table meowing back to them in a 'be right back' tone. Walzting over to the doorway to the kitchen you passed the higher-ups table catching a few eyes, ignoring the confused looks you made your way into the kitchen.

You could hear squealing come from outside, presuming it is Hanji that saw you made you internally groan. Looking over to the trays of food laid out you climbed onto the counter and picked up a bit of food for yourself. Sitting down you began to eat your meal in silence until the clear sound of boots against the floor caught your attention, flicking your E/C orbs to whoever dared disturb you-you came face to face with Hanji who stared at you like a child at a bucket of sweets.

Frowning you finished your meal before sitting up and staring right back at the woman in silence. ''Not so hostile are you now Y/N? Have you forgiven me?'' she pouted playfully making you roll your eyes ''I'll take that as a yes!'' Hanji beamed before picking you up abruptly making you yowl and thrash around in her arms. Walking out of the kitchen with you obviously struggling in her arms Hanji grinned while trying to coo in your ear, heading to the higher-up's table she sat back down in her spot opposite to Levi and Erwin. ''Why are you traumatizing Y/N?'' Erwin asked furrowing his eyebrows at the female who just shrugged. Levi kept quiet watching you three, picking you up and holding you in front of her Hanji began to talk to you like she would to a baby. That ever-lasting frown didn't cease as you continued to glare her down, setting you on the table you sat there in silence as Erwin began to chat with Hanji about how you got changed into a cat anyway.

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