Levi X HumanitiesFastest!Reader - Gotta Go Fast

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A/N : In this story, you would kinda be like a time-traveler since you are so fast, but you could only use your time traveling on life-threatening occasions saving yourself by rewinding time or teleporting out of the way, other than that, you have inhuman speed that giving you the title of 'Humanities Fastest ' or the nickname your friends give you ' Dynamo ' since it's still a mystery how you got your powers, Now on with the story! 

You could say I'm fast, real fast, but that's only when I want to be I can be as slow as a slug if I wanted or just be super speedy, that's the fun part. Levi gives me laps because I was being snarky to him or the others? That's fine, they would be done in a few seconds, Levi makes me clean the entire base 5 times? oh, don't worry hun that would be done in a maximum of 30 seconds. Just because of my speed and stamina being god-like...- Oh! I almost forgot something! I can also time travel! Yeah I can reverse time but only if I get in a life-threatening situation then my actions physically reverse, no, like seriously, you see me rewind like they do in the clips and films, yeah I had it since I was in my pre-teens and it's a pretty handy quirk to have if you ask me, especially if I want to mess with Levi when we cuddle or when we mess around it's hilarious. Especially on expeditions, I lose a limb or end up in a titans stomach? Nope, not a chance I just rewind and get out of there. That's how it leads up to here.. 

I was heading out on another expedition with the survey corps yet again, I was near Levi just because he liked to keep an eye on me in case something goes wrong and I can't use my 'power' Hanji started babbling about it again, asking the same questions again and again. ''So Y/N what makes you rewind time?! I'm very interested! '' She asked with a big grin ''it mostly happens when my life is in danger Hanji I told you already '' I sighed ''What about your superspeed?! Do you think it's something in your bloodline or just pure coincidence that you have it?'' she continued '' I don't actually know, my mother never had anything like I have neither did my father or my younger sister'' I smiled at the thought of my family and I smiled even more of the thought of my little sister S/N ( sister name ) ' she is like my best friend so pure and innocent she doesn't have a clue about the outside world apart from there being titans, she wishes to be as strong as me when she grows up I couldn't help but let my heart swell for her. When we defeat the titans I'll make sure she gets to see every inch of the outside world even if it means if we have to be rebellious against our parents rules but that doesn't matter, she's my only sibling that I'd spoil if I wanted her to be-' I was torn out of my thoughts from Hanji repeatedly calling my name begging for attention, I nodded for her to continue on with her babbling about my quirks and soon we had to split up into our squads and separate.

I looked over to Levi, he's with his squad, with Petra. It's obvious she had feelings for him even if he was with me in a relationship for nearly 4 years, we were good friends until she had the guts to kiss him in front of me of course, Levi was mortified and ordered her stable duty for 5 weeks. You could say I don't really trust her that much, Levi nodded at me in reassurance and I gave him a smile along with a nod and went off with Hanji's squad.  We were by ourselves now, nobody near us, just Hanji, Moblit, I and 3 others on our own. You could say I was on edge since I wasn't with Levi but I trusted Hanji and this team we had with my life, even if Hanji acts like she would be set up in a straight jacket she's still a close friend that I care for. I spot a group of titans ahead of us and she immediately pipes up '' Y/N are you ready my dear? '' I nod towards her as my horse was being connected to Moblit's. I hop off my horse and zip over to the group of titans in a few seconds before I'm in the sky with my 3DM Gear and slice their napes, one by one they fall and before anyone knows it I'm back on my horse. Moblit yelped a little from my sudden appearance ''Oops sorry there, didn't mean to frighten ya Moblit '' I give him a dorky smile ''it's fine, I'm just getting used to it that's all '' He reassures  ''I see Levi squad up ahead and it looks like they set up camp! Y/N how would you like to stay with your boyyyyyyffffffrrrrrrrriiiiiiieeeeennnnndddd for the night~~! '' Hanji sang to me, I just rolled my eyes with a face dusted with pink '' sure fine with me '' She squealed in response causing Moblit to ask her to calm down. 

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