Headcanon #25

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Requested by: @manga_senpai

Summary: Levi has a crush on the reader but she doesn't return the feelings



¬ Levi had an eye on you for a long time

¬ He decided he should actually tell you and hope you return the feelings

¬ ''So I uh- I like you.. Want to go out for a drink sometime?''

¬ ''Aweh Levi.. I'm so sorry.... I don't like you that way.. I'm sorry''

¬ He'd be heartbroken to say the least but whatever makes you happy makes him happy

¬ Though his crush wouldn't falter and he'd continue on as nothing happened

¬ Instead whenever he catches your gaze you always look so guilty

¬ I mean wouldn't you feel bad for turning someone down after they confessed?

¬ Levi pretends it never happened, but he'd always have an eye on you during expeditions to make sure you don't get hurt

¬ Hanji would find out and she wouldn't give you any trouble

¬ She just wished you and him could be together since she thought you two would be a cute couple

¬ She'd even start asking you about it when he's there as well

¬ ''Aweh Y/N I always thought you liked Levi! You two could've had cute babies!''

¬ You'd be incredibly silent not daring to meet anyone's gaze

¬ ''Four eyes stop tormenting her and just leave it''

¬  Are they trying to guilt trip you?

¬ Nah it's just Hanji being Hanji

¬ Nobody would give you shade though

¬ Except for Petra since she's obv into him but he's not into her

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now