Levi x Horse Expert!Reader ~ Trick

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Spent all day trying to think of a good request and finally i got one. S/O being the person to teach Levi the trick of how to stand on the horse why its runing. And make it FLUFFY

Warning: None

H/N - Horse Name


You came from a village in a deep forest, your people were known for being experts when it came to horses and riding them. So of course when you grew up you swiftly became a professional at the topic, hence why horses are your favorite animal. Over the years of being in the Survey Corps you had managed to impress numerous soldiers with your skills and tricks when it comes to horses, from little circus tricks to making your horse more obedient for expeditions.

And over the same years, you had managed to crack the tough nut of Levi Ackerman. Managing to befriend him and then soon become lovers, even Levi was baffled by some of your little tricks when it came to horses. One day you and your friends were commanded to do some laps on your horses, laying on its back you let the horse do laps while you gently tugged on the reigns from time to time. Near the end, you actually stood up on its back causing Levi to nearly have a panic attack thinking you'd fall.

But you didn't.

''You almost gave me a heart attack, never do that again'' Levi scolded you, shrugging you fed your stallion as you listened to Levi's rants. ''Levi you know I grew up in a village based around horses, don't you at least think I'd be able to handle my horse without being injured.. I've done far worse than just standing on the back of one, plus being on the back of a horse is pretty simple'' you state as Levi quirks an eyebrow. ''Oh? Simple? Well then why don't you show me hm?'' Levi's voice was dripping with sarcasm as you gave him an unimpressed look, sighing you rolled your eyes.

''Alright cap, come with me.. No need to get your horse mine will do fine'' you tell him as you tug on the reins leading the stallion out of the stables with a Levi in tow. Stopping mid training field you let go of the reins and turned to Levi. ''What?'' he asked watching you motion on top of H/N ''get on em, I'll lead you from there'' you smirk as Levi suspiciously squints his eyes to you before cautiously getting on the back of your horse.

Smiling to the raven-haired man you gently pat your horses head before moving to H/N's side next to Levi. ''Alright, now slowly stand up.. here you can take my hand if it helps you get up'' you send Levi a gentle smile as he slowly perches up, his hand in your delicate one he hesitantly stands up, frowning at H/N as if he were mentally challenging it. ''Levi'' you drone watching his eyes flick to you as he held onto your raised hand giving you a questioning look ''don't give H/N dirty looks cause you're too scared to stand on him'' you tease as Levi sends you a glare ''tch do you want to run laps?'' he growls making you laugh lightly.

''Do you want me to set H/N off in a sprint?'' you retort making him scowl ''if you did you might as well say goodbye to cuddles'' he smirks smugly watching you carelessly shrug. ''Oh well, I won't be the one pissing myself on the back of a sprinting horse while standing'' you shot back playfully as he clicks his tongue. ''Whatever, what do I do now?''

// Time Skip \\

It's been a few days since you started helping Levi with standing on H/N's back, he was a quick learner and was almost as good as you.


Crossing your arms you smiled gently at the sight of Levi standing on the back of H/N as he was set in a sprint, Levi had a determined glint in his stormy orbs. His gaze caught onto your own as a smirk toyed at his lips, H/N slowing down into a slow walk as he approached you Levi sat down on H/N's back again.

''Tch you proud?'' Levi questioned getting off of H/N and stood in front of you, leaning over you pecked Levi's cheek.

''I'm more than proud''

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