Levi x Rescued!Reader ~ Thank you

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Request: Oh oh oh! Can I please request a scenario where the reader unexpectedly plants a smacker on Levi's lips after he rescues them or something. I live for the cliche kisses and I live for your writing! Thank you dear! ❤

Yesss I have to admit I'm somewhat a sucker for liking cliche kisses!

H/N - Horse Name

Warning: Cursing


// Flashback \

You shrieked as the abnormal swiped you up from your horse, screeching in horror you couldn't get your blades out due to the grip the beast had around your smaller figure. Rising you to its mouth you felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes ''don't you fucking dare! you monster!'' you yell to it, soon a fast blur streaks across the sky behind the titan's neck to its nape. Recognizing the incredibly fast blur to be Levi he saw you fall from the titan's hand and caught you in a second. ''That was too close Y/N! What were you thinking?'' Levi scolded carrying you ''I'm so sorry captain- It came out of nowhere and didn't give me enough time to react'' you whimper as Levi clicks his tongue.

Landing on the grass he looked over your figure with a pleased look on his face. ''No injuries... You'll be fine Y/N, get back to your squad'' he ordered as both of your horses arrived. ''Yes sir'' you say as Levi nods before disappearing to find his squad. Standing there for a second, looking to the direction in which he disappeared to you couldn't stop the red hue that crawled onto your cheeks as you climbed onto your horse and set off again.

// Flashback End \

I stood in the stables cleaning off my horse, quietly humming to myself I heard the loud creak of the wooden doors to the large stables open indicating someone was in the little building. Not bothering to be nosey I continued to give my stallion all of my attention as other horses done their own thing in their stalls.

Levi walked past the stable where I was in with my horse, glancing into it I caught his gaze sending him a gentle smile as he nodded continuing on his way to his own horse. H/N sniffled gently nudging my shoulder begging for attention again, looking back to H/N I giggle softly ''someone loves attention huh?'' I say to the animal.

A couple of minutes passed and I was thinking about how to repay the Captain for basically saving my life just a few hours ago. 'Maybe I should just thank him..? No that's not enough.. Maybe with some tea? No cleaning equipment would be better... What if I just confess my feelings... Or just give him a kiss as a little thank you?..Fuck... I don't know..' I thought feeding my horse some food. The gate to the pen opened as I shifted my gaze to the gate, Levi walked in shutting the latch behind him and proceeded to walk over to me and H/N. ''Hello captain..'' I greet as Levi gently pats H/N's snout ''hello Y/N'' Levi responds as H/N nuzzles into Levi's hand.

''Something on your mind?'' Levi questions looking to me as I shake my head ''Nope, I'm fine sir..'' I mutter as Levi clicks his tongue reverting his attention to H/N. ''Whatever you say Y/N'' he comments as I shot him a confused look, Levi caught this and sighed through his nose ''it's easy to know when someone is thinking about something, so don't lie and spill it Y/N-'' Levi was cut off when I lean over and brush my lips against his own thin-yet inviting ones. Levi stands there unmoving for a couple of seconds before I feel his lips mould with my own causing a red tint to rise to my cheeks.

Soon enough we had to pull away due to oxygen, I look sheepishly down to the hay on the floor of the pen. ''T-Thanks for saving me earlier.. I really appreciate it..'' I mutter from embarrassment, I hear Levi shuffle next to me and place a gentle arm around my waist. Looking to him he has this soft, calm expression on his face, ebony raven locks falling perfectly on his face as those enticing grey orbs stared into my own E/C ones.

''That first kiss was quite shit wouldn't you say? How about.. We try again?'' Levi suggests as a tiny smirk toys at his lips. Feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach, nervously nodding I bite my lip as Levi slowly walks us to the wooden wall of the pen, not taking his eyes off of mine the sun shined down onto us as I pressed my back up against the wooden wall, his own body against mine as our face were only mere centimeters apart. ''Your nervous..'' Levi mumbles tilting his head to the side ever so slightly ''you weren't nervous when we did it just a second ago..'' he continued as my gaze trailed to his lips. ''I jumped at it without thinking..'' I respond earning a slight smirk from the male. ''Well then, let me take charge'' he whispered.

Levi closed the distance, having his head tilted to the side as he laced his lips with my own once again, almost instantly kissing back I feel his hand squeeze my waist making me squeak from surprise. Taking this opportunity Levi nipped my lip before diving his tongue into my mouth, fighting for dominance it didn't take long before he won. Placing one of his legs between my own he lifted me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck as he removed his mouth from my own. Panting lightly Levi latched his mouth onto my neck making me bite my lower lip from he sudden actions, a moan managed to slip past my mouth making Levi growl against me.

Levi was doing wonders on my neck and collar bone until the doors to the stables opened and bubbly voices were heard, Levi tore his mouth away from my now bruised skin and looked to me in slight worry. I recognized the voices as Sasha's, Connie's and Christa's. Setting me on the ground I fix myself up as Levi does the same.

A few seconds later the group passes the pen, Sasha noticing I was in it with Levi leaning against the wall, arms crossed scowling as I fed H/N. ''Heyyy Y/N!'' she piped as I spun around ''oh hey potato girl!''I greet as the trio continues on through the stables. I look to Levi who wore a smirk towards me ''what?'' I ask, Levi shrugs his shoulders ''get back to work cadet'' he orders playfully.

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