Headcanon #6

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Request: Could you do one just like the short reader one except Levi's SO is taller than him? Not like crazy tall, just like a couple inches

Of course, I will!

Warnings: None


¬ Any time you and Levi would talk you would have to look down to him just a little bit

¬ Same goes for him, except he has to look up

¬ It's freaking adorable

¬ Just because he's somewhat smaller than you doesn't mean he's small when it comes to the bedroom ;)) ( lmao )

¬ You two would be a power couple, you helping him get to hard spots even though you're a couple inches taller

¬ If you're feeling cocky you would rest your elbow on his shoulder/head and question how's the weather down there

¬ This leading to him rolling his eyes before smacking your ass as payback

¬ For his birthday you thought it would hilarious to get him a stool

¬ You did and his reaction made you cry of laughter

¬ Surprisingly the stool came in handy so he could reach those very high spots

¬ Levi knows you're only joking when teasing him about being a few inches shorter so he doesn't get offended and it makes him chuckle most of the time

¬ Levi would never get angry at you for being playful at him

¬ He loves your company

¬ He loves you

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