Guilty!Levi x Injured!Reader ~ Sorry

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Request: Hi :) If requests are still open, can you please do a scenario where the reader's recklessness and complete disregard for her own life own life on the field causes Levi to get very angry. He confronts her but accidentally ends up hurting her (like gripping her arm too hard or something?) Profound guilt and apologies follow. Thanks in advance if you do decide to do it!

Yasss I like this idea already lmao

Warning: Cursing


The Scouts had just recently arrived back from another failed Expedition but there was little to no casualties so you thought it might as well be a win for once except for the fact that you pissed off your boyfriend and now he's not talking to you, that was the only downside to it but other than that the expedition went great.

Strolling through the corridors you quietly hummed to yourself, deciding to go and see Levi and check if he calmed down any bit since you got back. Arriving outside his office you walked in and offered him a sweet smile, frowning at you he squinted his eyes at your bubbly behavior. ''You alright?'' you ask him standing at the edge of his desk. ''No I'm not'' he snapped making you flinch slightly, biting your lower lip you looked at him. Levi sat behind his desk with his arms crossed watching you.

''What is it? Levi you know you can tell me anythi-'' you were cut off when he glared at you. ''I'm pissed off over the fact that you are too careless on expeditions Y/N! You act like it's some sort of game when it's really not'' he growled standing up and standing next to you. Raising an eyebrow you were about to speak but he cut you off again. ''And don't even pretend you don't know what I'm on about, you almost make me have a heart attack on every mission we go on... why can't you just be more careful Y/N?'' he continued.

Sighing you shrugged ''Levi calm down, you're acting like my mother I'm fine so chill'' you roll your eyes and turn to walk away but feel a grip on your wrist pulling you back. Turning around you looked down to your wrist seeing Levi holding it tightly. ''Levi let go-'' you said but he shook his head ''do you ever listen woman? One of these days you'll be killed!'' Levi's voice rose and his grip around your smaller wrist tightened making you wince from pain slightly. ''Levi st-'' ''Y/N just listen! You need to stop acting stupid! Like a fucking child in a playground! You never listen to anyone and we're trying to stop you from making a stupid mistake that will cost your life!'' he yelled, the force he has spontaneously getting stronger making you yelp from the pain shooting throughout your hand and lower arm.

Almost instantly Levi let go hearing you yelp, stepping back from Levi you looked at your wrist seeing it begin to bruise. It hurt to even move it and that was the dominant arm! ''Y/N I didn't mean to..'' Levi tried slowly inching forward towards you, flinching away from him you turned your back to face him as you tried to ease the pain in your wrist. Grimacing from the pain that shot through it you heard Levi move in front of you ''Y/N please..'' he attempted again, you shook your head. ''No it's fine Levi.. Don't worry..'' you smiled gently to him despite the situation with your wrist.

Levi's eyebrows furrowed in concern and he gently took your wrist in his hand inspecting it with a delicate touch he felt like drowning from the guilt that had begun to swarm his thoughts. ''Your wrist.. is sprained.. Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!'' he pecked your wrist softly as you sighed. ''It's fine Levi.. I'm going to the infirmary to get it checked.. cya later'' you mumble walking out of his office past him.

// Two Days Later \

It's been two days since your wrist was injured, you knew Levi didn't mean it since when you went back to him after the infirmary he was on the verge of tears. He had begun to be more affectionate to try to make it up for hurting you, you'd get an 'I'm sorry' ten times a day from the raven-haired man which flattered you but he needed to stop worrying.

''Y/N you know I love you'' Levi said peppering your arm with kisses, you pat his head. ''I know you do Levi, you've become an overly-affectionate teddy bear since that happened'' you referred to your wrist which he nodded in shame. ''I'm supposed to protect you, not hurt you.. what the fuck am I actually doing'' Levi sighed as you rolled your eyes pulling him into a hug. ''Come on you big dork lets go cuddle and forget about it alright?'' you say as he nods following you into the bedroom.

Levi's weakness...


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