Levi x MIA!Reader ~ Keep Trying

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Request: hello love! thank you for all the amazing writing you do! could you do a story for Levi and reader where while out on an expedition the reader goes missing and is thought to be KIA or MIA so the corps leaves without her but she ends up either making it back to the wall or they find her on the next expedition out and the reunion 💕

This is a really good idea,it actually is xD

Warning: Cursing, Slight Angst


The Scouts were out on a minor expedition, nothing too big, just going outside the walls to hunt down titans and clear up more land. It was going great and simple, you were placed in Levi's squad due to his overprotectiveness which made you laugh at his behavior.

Everything was going well until a mob of abnormals came out of nowhere and ambushed you and everyone, Erwin was swift to get the message around for everyone to retreat as quickly as they could and get back to the wall. One abnormal ran straight passed you to where more scouts were clumped together sending you flying off your horse and onto the grass roughly. It was like all hell broke loose, shouts, screams, and cries filled the air as Erwin hurriedly led everyone back to the wall, some of the abnormals have been killed and now their corpses were laying around slowly disappearing with the wind. Sitting up with a groan of pain you looked ahead, seeing the large abnormals chase down the Scouts over the hills.

You noticed your horse had been crushed by a titan and now it lay across from you. You felt the blood drain from your face 'I'm alone... out here in Titan country... with nO HORSE?!' you panic frantically looking around to see if there were a horse still around. You felt like screaming, like crying, you didn't know what to do... They left so quickly and didn't even bat an eye in case anyone got thrown off like me.

Standing up you wince from the pain in your arm, biting your lip from the anxiousness that was now flooding your veins you begin to run chasing after the abnormals towards the wall. ''And Levi says he's protecting me? Tch.. didn't even notice I fell'' you grumble starting on your journey towards the large walls.

// Time Skip - 1st Person \

It's been a week since I've started running on foot, I was hungry I was getting thirsty and I used up the last bit of water I had in my little water bottle on my waist. I could start to see the wall ahead, slowly getting bigger with every step I take. I also managed to save my gas and gear and now I am exhausted but I refuse to give up.

I didn't stop walking, sometimes I'd break out into a run to try to go faster and arrive sooner and now my legs felt like jelly, my chest was heaving and a tight knot had formed in it from getting no rest. Groaning from the slight pain I continue walking along, holding onto my damaged arm and wincing from the searing pain in it.

A few days pass and I'm nearly at the base of the wall, limping next to a tree I lean against it holding my side, tears pricked at the corner of my eyes from my entire body aching and threatening to give up on me from no rest. ''Come on.. Come on.. Almost there Y/N... Don't give up'' I mutter to myself as I set off again. After a few hours, I finally reach the base of the wall, sighing from relief I knew that if I get to the top of it I could finally rest.

Shooting my hooks up high I zip towards the sky, soon arriving on the top I drop to my knees looking over the district I was at, Trost. Tears streaked down my cheeks as I began crying from joy, soon settling my cries into sniffles I stand up smiling slightly.

''Y/N? Is that you?'' I turn to see Commander Pyxis standing there swigging from his flask curiously looking at me. Saluting I nod my head at him ''yes sir, it's me'' I say as Pyxis walks over to me ''why are you not with the Scouts? You're up here by yourself'' he said gruffly as I sigh looking down to the wall beneath me. ''I was on an expedition with the Scouts, we were ambushed by a group of abnormals and I got thrown off my horse... By the time I knew what was going on Commander Erwin was leading the regiment the opposite way leaving me by myself in titan country'' I explain as Pyxis raises his eyebrow before nodding. ''Yes I heard of it... I'm guessing you're wondering where Levi is now with your friends?'' Pyxis asks as I nod eagerly, the man chuckles in response.

''I'll get you a carriage and bring you back to your headquarters, I say you've done a lot of walking and running to get back'' he tells me as I laugh inwardly ''yeah I did a lot of walking''.

Pyxis led me off the wall and hired me a carriage that brought me back to the HQ, thanking Pyxis I hop in the carriage and take a nap while I was being brought back to the others.

// Time Skip 2 hours later \

I sat in the carriage as the sun began to disappear over the wall, the carriage halting to a stop and the door swings open revealing a Garrison soldier who smiled gently to me, helping me out I thank them before they leave.

Turning around to face the HQ I scowl at the building from the annoyance of what I had to do just to survive from being left alone. Walking inside, the corridors seemed empty... Then again it's most likely dinner time and everyone is in the mess hall. Growling to myself I march towards the mess hall like I was about to kill someone, my uniform wasn't exactly in the best shape either.

My jacket had little rips and tears in it, my shirt was dirtied and stained with blood. My hair looked like I just woke up and I had scratches and bruises covering my once smooth face. Walking inside I frown at anyone who rose an eyebrow at my state until an ear piercing screech fills the mess hall. ''Y/N! YOU'RE NOT DEAD!? WHAT!?'' Hanji screams leaving the superior table and darts towards me, looking over my shoulder I immediately get tackled in a hug. Her hug felt like a bear was trying to crush my ribcage until I pried her off. ''Not now Hanji..'' I grumble as near enough everyone's eyes were on me.

She pouted and tried to take my hand in both of hers. ''Come on Y/N! You've been gone for nearly two weeks... We're sorry we left you behind! Shorty has been tormenting himself over you since the expedition ended'' Hanji motions to the superior table where Levi sat wide-eyed. Glaring at her I ripped my hand from hers while clicking my tongue, I got some bread and walked out of the mess hall with an annoyed expression grumbling to myself.

I arrived back in my room and slammed the door shut behind me, scoffing down the bread I lay back on my bed staring up to the ceiling you heard someone sprint down the corridor. Mere seconds later my door flung open, snapping my gaze to the door I noticed Levi stand there with guilt written all over his face. ''Y/N you're safe, oh my fucking lord I'm so sorry... I didn't even notice you were gone until we came back I am so sorry'' Levi begged walking to the edge of my bed. Turning away from him I decide to stay silent ''Y/N I know I fucked up please.. I promise I won't fuck up again, I felt like my entire world just crumbled when I realized you weren't back with us, please..'' he begged placing a gentle hand on my hip.

''You promised Levi! I could have died out there but instead, I kept going! If I ran into a Titan I would have died!'' I scold him like an angry mother, looking over my shoulder to him Levi was on the verge of tears desperately trying to cling to me. Sighing I turn around to him and face him, almost instantly Levi takes me in for a hug digging his head into the crook of my neck. 'Since when was he into affection?' I mentally question as I pat his back in attempts to comfort him. ''I swear I'll never do that shit again'' he says in a low voice, yawning I nod.

''Alright then you overly-affectionate teddy.. let's fall asleep and cuddle''

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