Vet!Levi x Reader ~ Kitty Problems

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Request: Hey! I really like your stories, they're very well-written! Could you maybe write one, where Levi is a veterinarian, and the reader has an old (or sick) cat that needs to be put down, and when that happens Levi comforts the reader? Thanks!!

I'm happy that you like my stories! It brighens my day a lot! >,<

C/N - Cat Name


You had always had a soft spot for animals, especially for cats and kittens. You had your own kitty that was named C/N, (s)he was a loyal and gentle cat but recently you found out (s)he had cancer growing in their lungs so you brought C/N for a few check ups once every months to the vets where some of your friends worked, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji and Petra.

You knew some other workers but you didn't really talk to them much, you've seen some raven haired man a few times but you two never spoke to one another. Rumors that goes around says he's the best vet in the country.

Walking through the double glass doors of the vets you saw Petra at the reception, lifting her head she smiled at you gently as you carried the small bundle of fluff in your arms that meowed softly. Strolling to the counter Petra sat up and gently pet the cat as (s)he purred. "Hopefully (s)he gets better soon, I'll sign you in now" Petra smiled as she signed C/N into the system again.

You heard the flap doors swing open and close from your side, looking over to see what the noise was you saw the raven haired male stroll towards the counter before stopping next to you. He had gunmetal eyes along with pale clear skin and that gorgeous raven hair styled into an undercut. Wearing a white long lab coat and a stethoscope draped around his neck he had the most bored expression you ever saw.

"Oh Levi meet Y/N! She's the owner of the cat I was telling you about" Petra chirped motioning to you. Levi looked to you, nodding slightly in greeting as he gently pet C/N behind their ears resulting in a low pur. "So this is the cat with the cancer in its lung? What's their name?" he asked looking down to the animal with gentle eyes. "Yep this is the cat... Their name is C/N" you offer the man a smile as he raises his thin eyebrow before turning back to Petra.

"Tell four-eyes I'll take over for her, Y/N come with me" Levi said, Petra swiftly got to contact Hanji as you left trailing behind Levi. Arriving in his presumed at his working area, gently placing C/N on the table you stood to the side as (s)he swished their tail meowing to Levi who began to check her health.

// 5 Months Later \

You walked into the vets again, a few minutes ago you noticed that C/N wasn't breathing properly and you quickly brought them to the vets. Swinging the doors open in a panic this made Petra who was at the reception snap her head up from fright. "Y/N are you alright?" she asked, concern laced in her voice as she looked to you.

"P-Petra there's something wrong with C/N, they're n-not breathing right!" you panicked feeling the cat ever so slowly start to go limp in your arms. Hanji who had been standing at the counter watching you sprung to action and swiped C/N from your arms, ushering for you to follow she charged through the corridor. Passing Levi who was scolding Eren they both gave you and Hanji worried looks as you both basically bulleted past them.

Slamming the doors open to her office you didn't realise that Levi had been following you both in confusion. "Alright Y/N- Oh shorty great timing help me out here! Y/N you sit over there!" Hanji motioned to a chair in the corner of the room as her and Levi began to work on C/N to find out what went wrong.

Half an hour passed and the room was deadly silent, Hanji had excused herself while Levi turned back to you. Moving out of the way where C/N lay motionless, furrowing your eyebrows looking at C/N you went over to them. "Y/N.." Levi muttered seeing you pet the deceased animal behind its ears, staying silent you hoped to see C/N's chest start to rise and fall meaning (s)he was breathing.

It didn't happen.

You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder "Y/N the cancer grew and ended up suffocating C/N.. I'm sorry" he mumbled as you bit your lip to force back tears. "I-It's fine Levi.." you replied not taking your glossy gaze off of C/N fluffy face. A tear managed to slip and roll down your cheek as you wipes it away with your sleeve.

"We got a bunch of cats here that need owners if you ever want one of them..." Levi informed lowly watching you nod slightly. "It's alright Levi... I guess C/N is better knowing (s)he won't be in pain any more.." you commented seeing Levi lean down next to you flickering his gaze from the animal then to your tired and upset one.

"Come on.. Let's get you out of here, I'll leave Hanji to deal with C/N alright?" Levi said as he escorted you out and through the corridors of the vets. Walking out of the building you turned and pressed a sweet kiss to Levi's cheek "t-thank you for trying to save C/N... How about we go out for a drink sometime? O-Only if you want to! I mean-!" you were cut off by Levi pecking your lips with a pink due dusting his cheeks.

"Here.. Give me your number" the raven haired man said giving you his phone to make your contact in. Quickly putting it in you gave him your own as he did the same. "Guess I'll call you later?" he questioned as you nodded, a deep blush ghosting over your cheeks.

Sending you a wink Levi turned and began to walk back into the building "tch.. I'll see you then!" he called out to you making you smile lightly.

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