Levi x Captain!Reader ~ Dirty

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Request: Heey, I was wondering if you can write something were the reader is also a captain, and there's this competition between Levi and the reader about who's stronger and shit. Then in training they decide to combat, but the reader is like joking and being sensual, and it distracts Levi and reader wins. After that, I don't know... Levi confronts reader? You see how it ends 👀

Warning: Slightly suggestive themes, Cursing


You were head to head with Levi Ackerman, Humanities Strongest, but of course, you shared the title with him and you both were determined to win against the other and claim the title. It was a friendly competition that both of you were caught bickering about often.

And that led up to now.

You stood opposite Levi, taking off your jacket before throwing it to the dirt carelessly not shifting your gaze from his own as he stood there waiting for the fight to begin. ''Alright! You two ready? Begin!'' Hanji exclaimed taking a step back right after, Levi observed you for a second waiting for you to pounce yet... you didn't which infuriated him. Growling he swung at you, merely dodging by an inch you landed a kick to his back as he landed a rough punch to your jaw making you wince, dodging another kick from him you weren't fast enough to react when Levi swept your feet out from underneath you.

Landing on your back and grunting from the impact you rolled out of the way before Levi could jump on you, almost stumbling over his own feet Levi regained his composure as you snickered at him. Scowling he kicked you in the stomach as you attempted to hit him in the nose, instead, Levi caught your hand in his own as he stared you down threateningly.

Both of your bodies pressed up against one another as he held onto your wrist, growling you knee'd him in the stomach making Levi let go of your wrist. Taking the opportunity you kicked his legs out from under him. Landing on the ground with a thud you instantly got down on him pressing your weight onto Levi as he grumbled curse words before flipping you both over.

A light coat of sweat covered your forehead and chest as Levi pressed himself against you on the ground, one leg between your own. A mischievous idea popped in your mind as you smirked up to the raven-haired man who was panting softly. Pinning your hands above your head with one hand he rest his free one on your waist as he sat on your lower area. ''Give up Y/N?'' he said earning a scoff from you ''me? give up? no way in hell..'' you say as Levi frowns down to you.

''Why would I give up when we're in such a position Levi~''

His eyes widened as his breath hitched in his throat, smugly smiling you flipped the both of you over, now you were on top with Levi underneath you staring wide-eyed. ''You witch..'' Levi grunted before sending you off him, standing up quickly he watched you get up wincing slightly. ''Aweh... That hurt Levi! Someone's going to have to kiss my booboo's away later on ~'' you started again waiting his face scrunch up in irritation as he darted at you again.

You attempted to dodge his attack but Levi grabbed onto your arm spinning you around before slamming you onto your back, knocking the wind out of your lungs making you pale slightly from fright. Levi scowled once again before planting himself on you again. ''Give. up.'' he growled in your ear, you completely forgot about the crowd of soldiers who circled you both as they cheered for either you or Levi.

''Never thought you could be so dominant Levi.. Don't worry.. I'm submissive most of the time, just not right now..'' you smirk rolling your hips against his own earning a grunt. ''Ngh.. Y/N stop you- idiot..'' he bit on his lip stopping a groan as you took over, sending him underneath you as Levi glared at you, his face painted with a pink hue.

''I win~''

You got off of him dusting yourself off and fixing up your hair as Levi laid there on his back. Cheers erupted from your friends as they swarmed around you asking questions about your fight and congratulating you.

// Time Skip \

I sat at my desk quietly reading whilst humming to myself, I was somewhat sore from the fight earlier but I was happy about winning, even though it meant that I had to imply dirty things to Levi but so what? He wouldn't care about it anyway.

I heard my door open, speak of the devil, in came Levi Ackerman without his jacket as he shut it behind him.

He locked it.

Oh fuck.

This midget means business.

I watched him curiously as Levi walked over and stood opposite me at my desk, leaning over he planted both his hands on my desk looking at me with the usual bored expression. ''You made a low move today'' he started as I snickered lightly ''something wrong with it Levi?'' I asked innocently as he leaned forward more ever so slightly. ''Yeah.. You left me with a hard-on'' he simply states watching me wide-eyed ''holy shiT WHA-'' my surprised screeches were cut off when Levi pulled me over the desk and kissed me.

''Payback time Y/N..''

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