Levi x Reader ~ Unwanted Guest

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Warnings: Cursing

Summary: The entire military have a celebratory day of it's anniversary, you get hit on by a Military Police soldier and Levi is not impressed


You stood at the bar sipping on your water accompanied by your boyfriend, Levi drinking wine. "Another anniversary for the military huh?" you piped, Levi nodded to you before taking another sip of his drink. "I'm going to the bathroom, be right back in a few minutes" He excused himself after pecking your cheek and disappeared into the large crowd.

Not long aftef you heard a slurry voice call out to you making you turn the direction where the voice came from only to recieve an extremely drunken Military Police soldier making his way towards you. Your face scrunched up in disgust, rolling your eyes you looked away hoping he would go away. Of course your luck was against you when the drunken stranger apppeared right beside your form grinning at you. "Aren't you a pretty thing? You're Y/N aren't you? Known for going out with Levi Ackerman huh?" the soldier continued to grin at your uncomfortable form. "Bet you would be more than well known when I'm done with you.." He slurred in your ear, your eyes widened backing off instinctively "sorry but I'm taken so you should stop, Levi will be back in a few minutes so you might wanna leave before he returns" you told the stranger only recieving a drunken chuckle making you roll your eyes.

"Oi shithead! What are you doing?" a very familiar voice called out through the crowd making you turn around facing Levi marching back with a frown plastered onto his face. The soldier paled visibly seeing Humanities Strongest head his way, pissed. It didn't take long for the stranger to completely disappear form your sight, Levi returns to your side and flashed you one of those rare smiles. Wrapping an arm around your waist protectively he picked up his wine glass taking the last drink from it beford placing if back down onto counter ahead. "Want to sit down?" you asked pulling out a barstool "I'm fine standing, you sit" Levi assured, you smiled to him and climbed on top of the tall stool sitting on it taking one last sip of your water, Levi watching you putting it down onto the counter.

"Why do you not drink?" Levi asked raising his eyebrow curiously, you only shook your head "lets just say I don't really have a strong tolerance to achohol, you could go on for days without showing one sign of being drunk and it amazes me, yet I'm here if I take one or two bottles or glasses I'm gone" you snicker to yourself remembering past events that happened to you from alcohol. "Lets see if we can change that hm?" Levi then ordered four drinks to split between the both of you. "Game on honey lets build my tolerance up!" you cheered.

// Not Even 20 Minutes Later \

"Woah! L-Levi this is s-some good stuff!~"

"For fuck sake Y/N.."

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