Headcanon #23

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Request: AHHHH I LOVE YOUR WRITING AND YOUR BLOG SO MUCH!!! I am so so sooo glad I found you :D 💕💖💕 If you are still accepting requests (ignore this completely if you're not!) but it's a little modern AU!ish I guess, but how about a scenario where Levi's s/o makes him do face masks with her? And his face is really soft after so she keeps like touching it? Sorry if this is weird or vague. I really love your blog and writing and hope you have a nice day or night ✨💖☀️🌙💖✨

Sorry I haven't been uploading much, I've had irl stuff to do so I couldn't work on requests

Done as a Hc

I'm happy to hear u love my writing ur so kind ^,^

Warning: None


× You went through so much begging

× Levi stubbornly refused

× You were that desperate to get him to do face masks with you-you almost cried

× Levi then suddenly agreed

× Seeing Levi with a facemask is quite... Funny to say the least

× Of course it was like some way of bonding so you enjoyed it

× Your face was soft after

× But that was nothing compared to Levi's

× As smooth as a babies buttcheeks am I right?

× Levi could be sitting on his phone or reading then suddnly feel a gentle caress of knuckles or the back of your hand out of nowhere

× "Why do you keep harassing my face?"

× "So soft and smooth.."

× Levi's skin would be perfect for three or four weeks

× Then the begging starts again

× Levi actually agrees after the third attempt

× This man is secretly an attention whore

× If it means he gets your complete attention for a few weeks he won't take long to agree

× You'd be silently questioning how soft his skin got

× "How is your skin so perfect..?"

× "I don't have a flying clue, I wonder what happens if I put one on my di-"

× "LEVI NO!"

× Tbh his skin is like a newborn babies

× Smooth, soft, perfect

× You'd have to restrain yourself in public

× Levi would have soft skin without the facemask

× But this just boosts it up by 1000%

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