Levi x Arachnophobe! Reader ~ Incy Wincy Little Spider

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So I have a really bad fear of spiders, its really bad so I decided to write about it lol

Warnings: Cursing

Arachnophobia - Fear Of Spiders


You were laying in bed, Levi's bed to be exact thinking to yourself as you glanced around the neat and tidy room. The sunlight beamed through the window brightly overcasting most of the items in the room including your form which was half covered from the soft white bed sheets.

Levi was in the room next door finishing off paperwork so he decided to let you laze around for a few more hours before breakfast started. You quietly hummed a tune your mother sang to you when you were a child. You watched as birds flew across the bright blue sky, chirping happily as they went on with their lives.

You lay your head back onto the plush pillow closing your eyes, your right arm stretching across the bed resting on it.

Not even a second went by when you noticed your hand touch something rough.Your eyes shot open darting to Levi's side of the bed to be met with a large eight legged hairy spider staring right back at you with his black beady little eyes.

You screeched at the top of your lungs when the creature moved closer to you, instinctively scrambling backwards before screaming to Levi.

It didn't take long for Levi to arrive inside his room as quickly as a bullet seeing you screech moving away from the spider which was on his bed.

Levi quickly swiped it off the bed and stomped on it with his boot before looking to see your paled expression in a daze. "Oi you alright?" he asked moving over to you, you nodded hesitantly "thanks.. It gave me the fright of my life" you begin to calm down your breathing before hugging Levi. "Come on it's about time you got out of bed anyway lil shit" He said helping you up before grabbing a tissue and disposing of the squished demon as you would call it. "Now time to repay the favor hm?" Levi smirked, you tilted your head in confusion "paper woorrkk~" Levi sang laced with sarcasm as he worse his usual bored expression.

"Come on let's get it over and done with then" you rolled your eyes as you followed Levi into his office to finiah up paperwork with him.

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