Headcanon #19

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Request: Could you do a Levi x reader where the reader is thought to be a mute since no one in the corps has ever heard her speak but as she starts getting closer to Levi she finally speaks to him

Eyyy I done this in a hc if that's oki with u?

Warning: None


× You were mute, but you could still read and write like any other person

× The truth is that you could actually talk but you chose not to because when you were younger you were bullied for having some difficulties with speech

× Your friends accepted you and made it look like there was nothing wrong with you

× Your superiors were the same

× So what if you can't talk? You're still a human with rights

× You had actually begun to get closer to Levi

× You brought him tea when he was doing his paperwork

× Or you were just helping him clean

× Either way you two formed a close bond

× He'd be less rough on you when giving punishment

× But he still gives you some punishment ;))

× lmao jk

× One day when you're both doing paperwork Levi lets his curiosity get the better of him

× "Why do you not speak?.. Or is it because you can't?"

× You revert your gaze to the floor and Levi immediately regrets asking you that question

× "Too personal? Sorry.."

× You knew you had to tell Levi at some point

× It might as well be now

× "I was bullied..."

× Levi is S H O O K E T H

× Did you just speak!?

× "Wait what? You were bullied? So you can speak but you choose not to"

× You nod not daring to meet his gaze

× "Have you told anyone? Does anyone know?"

× "You're the o-only person I trust to tell.."

× Levi is flattered and happy that you trust him enough to actually tell this about yourself

× "Y-You can't tell anyone"

× "I won't, I'll carry this secret to the grave if you want"

× You two would have conversations in private to try and boost your confidence with speech

× Levi secretly adores your voice, and the fact that only he can hear it makes his heart flutter

× Why would anyone bully you over such an angelic voice to the point where you stop speaking?

× When you gain some confidence back when speaking you become more happy

× You eventually tell everyone else

× Everyone loves your voice

× You might make little slip ups here and there but Levi would be there to correct and help you

× This man adores you

× You couldn't be more grateful for him helping you

× Levi is so proud of you for moving on from your past and fears he'd be there for you if you ever needed him and vice versa

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