Vampire!Levi x Reader ~ Blood Lust Pt.2

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Warning: Cursing, Mentions of blood

Summary: Continuation of Last one shot


It had been a few months since Levi had taken you, your parents had the police search all over the country for you but they didn't find you. Not that you exactly cared, a lot of stuff happened over the few months in which Levi had taken you to your new home. You had made new friends, got to do whatever wanted, you had begun to date Levi and so far everything had been going well. The police had just assumed you were already dead and you couldn't help but feel bad for your parents.

Walking into the living area wearing an AoT shirt and some shorts you were greeted by a grinning Hanji. ''Good morning Y/N~!'' she said excitedly ''well, it's 11pm so...'' you couldn't help but giggle as she patted your shoulder. Everyone was sitting around talking or doing their own thing in the living area. Levi was sitting reading a book, Armin, Eren and Mikasa were chatting about god-knows-what. Erwin was watching Sasha and Connie bicker like an old couple, Jean and Marco were in the corner cuddling and there you stood with a grinning Hanji. ''I'm surprised you're still awake! I thought you would be asleep by now'' she smiled unintentionally showing her fangs as you shrugged ''eh.. kinda hard to sleep when it sounds like there's a party going on downstairs, plus I'm not that tired..'' you mumble as she pouts playfully to you. ''Aweh don't worry Y/N, have you heard from your parents?'' she asked as the room fell silent ''the police think I'm dead, so do they so no I haven't'' you sigh slightly annoyed at the sympathetic looks your friends were given you.

''I'm going out for a bit, talk to you guys later'' you say turning around and heading upstairs to get ready. Soon enough you were finished changing, zipping up your jacket and tying your shoelaces you grabbed your phone and purse. Jogging down the staircase you went out of the large house and walked off to a nearby takeaway.

You had been at this takeaway for a while now and now you were paying whilst holding your food in a bag in your hand. Giving the lady the money she smiled at you before her eyes widened a little ''wait, are you that girl that went missing a few months ago?'' she asked before peeping behind you at the poster about you on the glass behind you. ''It is you!'' she exclaimed in shock as your breath hitch in your throat before she dashed for the phone in the back, quickly getting out of the takeaway you ran back to the house.

Swiftly opening the door you threw yourself in before slamming it shut behind you earning some concerned looks from the others. ''Oi what's wrong?'' Levi asked putting the book down and looking over the back of the sofa ''the cashier at the fucking takeaway recognized me, I think she told the police'' you panted. ''Why don't you want to go back to your home? Back to your parents?'' Armin asked as you shook your head ''I was the only child they had, so it was pretty lonely since they always went out on dates and left me there, I'd rather stay here..'' you reply as the blonde nods. ''Well what will we do now? They know you're not dead so they'll be looking for you again'' Eren questioned, sighing you glanced back down to your steaming food. '' Let's just drop it for now, no need to worry about it until something does happen'' you say walking through the living room towards the kitchen.

Once you had gotten your food out to began to eat it in silence as the others went back to whatever they were doing. Sitting on a barstool at the kitchen island thinking about what would happen if your parents found out. Feeling a presence next to you-you turned to your side and saw Levi who sat next to you, chin against the palm of his hand as he propped his arm up looking at you. ''What's up?'' you asked raising an eyebrow to the male ''I want you to go back to your parents'' he said which made you nearly choke on your food. ''Sorry WHAT!?'' you screech as he rolls his eyes ''not forever dumbo, just go back and tell them to calm their worrying asses by telling them you moved in with a few friends and you'll be living with them from now on'' he states plainly as if it's the easiest thing in the world. ''They'll have my ass for not getting in contact with them for a few months!'' you argue whilst stuffing your mouth with food. ''They'll have to suck it up, so will you buttercup'' Levi clicks his tongue before placing a kiss to your cheek and disappearing into the living room.

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