Levi x Upset!Reader ~ Alone

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Request: Could you do a Levi x reader where the reader has a twin in the corps that they're constantly with and when out on an expedition the twin gets killed so Levi attempts to console the reader when they begin to shut down

Warning: Violence, Cursing

T/N -Twin Name

The Twin is a female


// Flashback \

You snickered walking alongside your twin, you two were stuck at the hip. Wherever you were your twin T/N was and wherever T/N was you were there as well. Both losing your parents at the age of nine you only had each other thus creating a strong trust and between you both. You were older than T/N by 3 seconds which you always teased her for, she'd only roll her eyes at your behavior and occasionally make some remarks.

Both walking through the corridor to the mess hall you two were in a comfortable silence, you didn't exactly look alike, only a few features here and there but you weren't identical. ''So Y/N you excited for training later?'' T/N asks smirking ever so slightly as you shrug, opening the doors to the mess hall you walk in and hold them open for T/N. Tittering as she went passed you-you could hear her call back to you ''thank you my noble butler''.

Grabbing your lunches you chatted, passing the superior table to reach the table occupied by your group of friends. Sitting next to Armin you sent him a friendly smile as he greeted you. T/N sat beside her crush, horse face which you would tease her over continuously. ''So who's up for training later, wait, who's even training us?'' you say in confusion as Eren shrugs. ''The captain is training us'' Mikasa informs taking a sip of her drink, your face lit up in a bright pink blush as you could feel T/N teasing gaze on you. Scowling at her she laughed at your flustered state. ''Come on, we get you like the captain... no need to be embarrassed'' Jean comments from beside T/N who nods at him in agreement.

''Tsk shut it horse face or else I will shove your face in a pile of horse shit just like last time'' you warned as he frowned ''we do not talk about that Y/N!'' Jean looked like he was about to leap over the table to you but was stopped by Eren's laughing.

''What are you laughing at you suicidal maniac!'' Jean roared to the teal eyed boy whos laughter died down immediately and turned into a glare. ''What was that... Jean boy?'' Eren and Jean began to have a stare down as you mentally groaned at the two who fell into a tense silence glaring at one another.

Seconds later Jean leaped across the table knocking Eren to the ground as they began to brawl and insult each other. T/N was cheering Jean on and received a frown from Mikasa, rolling your eyes getting ready to break them both up you were bet to it by Levi who grabbed Eren's collar and skid him across the floor away from Jean. Glaring at the two he scowled ''if you two don't want to clean the entire HQ together then don't act like children'' he scowled at the boys who nodded their heads like scolded dogs.

Levi glanced to the rest of you before your gaze met his own, it seemed like it softened... Clicking his tongue Levi walked back to the superior table leaving your group and the two whining boys on the ground.

// Current Time \

Kneeling in a little puddle in the grass, the rain spat down onto your cloaked figure in little droplets, your uniform was splattered in mud, blood and soaked from the rain. Trees were scattered around you as you sat in the puddle staring wide-eyed at the image right in front of you.

Your twin, T/N lay motionless in front of you, her face looked petrified as her lower body had been eaten from the hips downwards. Staring down at her state wide-eyed you didn't hear a titan anyway nearby.

''T-T/N..?'' you hopelessly asked as tears stung your E/C orbs. Leaning over you placed your hands in the mud not giving a shit anymore, you were horrified. A loud stomping noise filled your ears making you snap your head up, staring at the beast with blood trickling down from its mouth. The titan stared down to you as you sat there motionless up towards the creature in a silence.

Frantic horse hooves were coming from behind you as you look up at the titan with wide eyes. Standing up slowly you didn't dare blink, growling from anger you took out your blades as the titan tried to grab you. Jumping out of the way you glared at it raising one of your blades up towards it. ''Why!? Why did you kill her! You're a monster! I'll fucking kill you!'' you screamed, hearing the horse hooves get closer Levi's voice rung in your ears. ''Y/N! Don't!'' he shouted behind you.

Launching yourself into the air you began to slice away at the titan stringing out shouts and insults to the creature as you tore it up, noticing it reach it's arm out to you-you swiftly bulleted up the arm leaving long, deep cuts in it that spewed out warm blood. Crying out from anger you dove down and cut it legs out from underneath it making it collapse to the ground, slashing the skin you flew back to the nape and sliced it off in one swift motion before landing on the ground in front of T/N looking down to her, biting your lip tears fell as Levi arrived behind you pulling on his horses reins for it to stop.

Your hood was down, and your H/C hair was now soaked as the rain poured down onto you. ''Y/N come on, we have to go or else more of them bastards will come'' Levi said watching you squat down and take off T/N's jacket, your tears mixed with the rain as you gently laid a kiss to your twin's forehead. ''You promised to stay with me until we die of old age.. I can't blame you for breaking the promise, this shitty hell is cruel..'' you mumble to the corpse, standing up you turned around looking up to Levi on his horse giving you somewhat of a sympathetic expression. ''I'm assuming your horse made a run for it, get on'' he ordered, nodding quietly you hopped on behind Levi before wrapping your arms loosely around his waist as his horse took off.

// Time Skip - 4 Hours Later \

The Scouts had arrived back three hours ago, you mumbled thanks to Levi before disappearing to your room.

That's where you were now.

Curled up in a fetus position in your bed you sobbed quietly clinging to T/N's jacket. ''Why did I leave you behind?! Why did I do that! How did I not know that my stupid decision would cost your life... The only time we are separated I lose you just like both our parents... Why did you leave me behind T/N..'' you sobbed squeezing your eyes shut to stop the tears that soaked your pillow beneath you.

By now the mud had dried on you, so had your uniform and T/N's jacket. Your boots had been thrown off carelessly, so had your straps. A knock was heard at the door making you shoot up, desperately rubbing your teary eyes with your sleeves and trying to fix up your uniform a little you looked to the door. ''Come in!'' you called out, soon the door opened and in came Levi with his jacket off.

He slightly raised his eyebrow at you before clicking his tongue ''you're still in that filthy uniform Y/N what are you doing- You've been crying haven't you?'' Levi asked sitting down at the edge of the bed, looking down to the jacket on your lap you nod. Feeling the bed dip down from next to me you look up seeing Levi right next to you looking at you. ''Y/N you know T/N would be going ape shit if she saw you like this...'' Levi mumbled as you look at her jacket in your arms ''yeah.. she would be..'' You reply as Levi sighs. ''You can avenge her Y/N, then she'll rest in peace'' Levi added as you nodded quietly.

''I'll be here if you n-need me.. You know, come to my office if you need anything or whatever'' Levi turned his head to the side as a faint pink colored his cheeks. You smile lightly at him as he looks back to you. Lowering his head he looked to be thinking about something ''If you ever want to talk.. Don't hesitate to find me got it?'' he stated in a hushed tone. ''I have to go, Erwin wants me for a meeting'' Levi finished blankly leaning over he gently kissed your cheek before standing up and walking out.

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