Headcanon #27

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Request: Hey can I request some Levi Yander plz? Make it juicy😝

Done as a hc

Warning: Cursing, mentions of sex


¬ When Levi first laid eyes on you he felt his heart thump against his ribs

¬ Were you an angel?

¬ Yes, you were his angel

¬ Levi would watch you from afar

¬ Then one day you actually confront him on why he's been staring at you from across the training field/ mess hall

¬ Levi stays silent until you actually tell him you like him

¬ Oh boi what a big mistake you've made

¬ When you two both start going out he'd follow you everywhere like a guard dog

¬ One day you were messing with a new cadet and they playfully punched your arm

¬ They were found dead with their eyes carved out in the stables the next morning

¬ Levi would be persistent in asking you to sit next to him during lunch/ dinner/ breakfast

¬ He wouldn't stop until you agree

¬ This man would literally send death glares to any guy who looked at you in a strange way

¬ Would make you sit on his lap

¬ If you shift on his lap to get comfortable or anything Levi would drag you off to his office

¬ You'd spend the whole night in his office being relentlessly fucked

¬ After a few months of being together, you realize that this isn't the normal relationship other people would have

¬ This man is obsessed with you

¬ You then figure out since that same cadet that was messing with you a week ago was found dead the next morning was Levi's doing

¬ 'What the fuck am I supposed to do.. He'll kill people if they touch me!'

¬ You don't realize Levi had entered your room five minutes ago and get the fright of your life when he sits next to you

¬ You love Levi but you don't want anyone to get hurt

¬ ''Levi.. Did.. Did you kill that cadet?..''

¬ ''I would never! Unless it's to protect you princess~''

¬ ''So you did then!''

¬ You were cut off when Levi began to roughly kiss you to shut you up

¬ Levi would guilt trip you into doing anything

¬ 'But he only wants to protect you'

¬ Would legit die for you in the end

¬ ''You're mine Y/N, forever and always, don't forget that..''

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now