Captain!Levi x AlmostDied!Reader ~ I'll hold you

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Request: Could you do how Levi would handle seeing the reader who he loves but hasn't told her get grabbed and almost eaten by a titan?

Warning: Cursing


You zipped through the city of Trost following Captain Levi, the very man you had formed a crush on. Turning around facing Eren, Armin and Mikasa following you and Levi from behind you called out to them ''you guys alright?'' Armin hesitantly, turning around your group landed on the rooftop of a tall building.

Levi noticed some titans separated, quickly forming a plan he turned facing the four of you. ''Y/N you're going to kill the abnormal on the right, Armin and Eren the one right ahead, Mikasa you're with me we're taking out the two abnormals on the left'' Levi ordered, you all nodded and shot off towards your targets.

Looking back one last time to catch one last glimpse of Levi fly the opposite way with your friend Mikasa you smiled to yourself and continued to look forward again seeing a large abnormal titan attempt to climb a building.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I should have made Y/N stay with me but I'm not going to give away that I fucking like her, some cadets are already slowly understanding what I think of her. I see her and frown at the Titan I put her up against I snap my eyes back and quickly dispose of one of the abnormals, Mikasa taking the other one down easily. ''We can go help Eren and Armin seems like they haven't killed the normal bastard yet'' I click and shot my hooks off again.

// Your P.O.V \

As I neared the beast it noticed me approaching, flying past it to hope to land my hooks onto the nape. As I was flying past its head, one of it's massive hands grabbed me.

My eyes widen as tears prick at the corner of my eyes, my mind was screaming at me to fight to survive but my body wasn't responding. I couldn't move. Paralyzed with fear the large beast slowly brings me upwards towards the sky, holding me by my cape. I was left in a daze 'so this is how I'll die... I'm pathetic.. I didn't even tell Levi how I felt.. Dammit Y/N you were always a fighter so why give up now?' I thought as I stared down watching the abnormal open its mouth at a painfully slow pace.

// Levi's P.O.V \

We quickly finished off the titan and I hear Armin shriek in terror before darting over somewhere else, spinning around my eyes followed where he was desperately trying to go. Eren and Mikasa quickly followed after their friend. It was Y/N... dangling above the abnormals mouth. I quickly shot through the air like a bullet while Armin's and Eren's screams filled the air.

// 3rd Person \

Hearing shouts, you finally gain control over yourself and tears fall down into the titan's mouth while you turn facing your friends ''Y/N!!'' Eren screams out to you loudly ''Y/N NO!'' Armin cries out, you silently cried while noticing Levi bulleting past them mere inches away from the Titan you reach your arm out ''Capta-!'' you scream begging for him to save you as the abnormal drops you into its disgusting mouth. You let out a blood-curdling scream as you desperately try to claw onto its tongue to stay up whilst sliding down its throat, the scream echoing through the large monster escaping to the outside world.

The second you were dropped into the titan's mouth Armin's wires retracted, landing onto a rooftop he fell to his knees letting out ear-splitting screams ( his infamous one for example lmao ) Levi felt a furious flame light up in him. Without hesitation, he was slicing the abnormal up viciously cutting off its nape letting out loud cries and curses. Letting the creature fall on top of a building, he landed next to it motioning for Mikasa. She joined him and they both managed to pry the mouth open after the first try, Eren ran over going into its mouth pulling you out a few seconds later.

Covered in filthy titan saliva you laid on the rooftop before shooting up looking around, you checked that you still have all your limbs. You felt someone kneel beside you ''you three, join up with Hanji's squad'' Levi ordered not taking his eyes off of you. Eren and the others nod swiftly before departing, once they left you felt arms wrap around you ''fuck I thought we were too late... shitty brat... Y/n what were you thinking?'' Levi leaned into your shoulder. ''I'm sorry.. I just couldn't move I wanted to but I couldn't..'' you say leaning into his touch.

// Your P.O.V \

''Fuck it I couldn't care anymore if anyone saw this but.. whatever'' he clicked his tongue, wiping down my face with his cape before planting a firm kiss to my lips, I immediately return the kiss placing my hand softly on his chest. I feel Levi put his hand over mine holding it whilst it was on his chest before he pulls away. ''I knew I should have brought you with me..'' I hear him whisper pulling me into his chest.

''You know I love you right Y/N? I know it's a really shitty place to tell you but fuck.. I got the fright of my life back there'' Levi chuckles, you rest your head against his chest feeling the vibration. ''I know Captain I love you too.. thank you..'' you smile to him.

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