Grunge!Levi x Reader ~ Party Animal

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Hi! Could you possible write a cute and fluffy 80's/grunge levi x reader? I don't mind what happens, maybe with music? I'll leave it to your imagination. Thank youuuu!!! <3

A/N: Yeah so I don't have a clue what an 80′s grunge is lol I think it's like a punk/ rock thing? I don't have a clue xD I didn't know where I was going with this plot lmao

Warning: Cursing


Your neighbor was holding a house party and of course, you were invited. You weren't really the type of party animal you would rather read or just drawing but you decided to go to the party since your neighbor was also your best friend, Hanji Zoe.

You had known Hanji since you were both children, she was crazy about nature and history. She even made up fantasy monsters called 'Titans' that were supposed to be huge naked people that would eat humans. Of course you thought Hanji's mad ideas and her imagination was wild but you couldn't help but love your neighbor. She was like a sister to you, same goes for her when it came to you.

And here you were now, standing in front of your mirror wearing a little dress while fixing your H/C hair smiling to yourself happy with the way your outfit turned out. You looked out your window seeing your back garden and some of Hanji's, people crowded the grassy garden, music thumping loudly while people danced, chatted and made out in secluded areas.

You got your bag and headed out of your house, following the small pathway and arriving at Hanji's house in a few seconds. People were standing at the front of her house smoking, drinking and chatting making you quickly avert your eyes towards the stone pathway leading to her doorway and porch. As you walked passed various groups you felt eyes on you with every step you took as you arrived inside.

The first thing you see is Hanji drunkenly dancing with a taller male, his eyebrows somewhat like caterpillars? You shrugged it off as the loud music threatened to destroy your eardrums. You gulped before making your way into the kitchen, seeing the little island in the center of it filled with different drinks. You smiled and arrived getting yourself a glass of F/D ( favorite drink ) as you stood to the outskirts of the kitchen since nobody really was in the area except for people who would refill their cups and then leave again.

You pulled out a stool and began to drink quietly humming to yourself along with the song that was booming in the living area. 'No way am I leaving this place... I don't even know half of these people bloody lord Hanji why did you make me come..' you mentally groaned. Speak of the devil, Hanji walked into the kitchen followed by the man she was with before and a shorter raven-haired which looked extremely bored. ''Oh Y/N you arrived! Why are you out here by yourself~?'' Hanji slurred appearing at your side while the two men stood at the counter re-filling their drinks.

''I literally don't know anyone here apart from you Hanji'' you whined looking at your watch before meeting her hazel eyes. You saw a grin paint across her mouth making your eyebrows furrow at her before she turned around ''Levi! Why don't you introduce yourself! This is the lovely lady I was telling you about!'' Hanji giggled playfully as she rested a gentle hand on your shoulder, the other occupying a bottle of beer.

The raven-haired man was wearing, black jeans, a little chain hanging down from his belt hooping back up around him, he wore a white shirt with a black leather jacket along with black n' white shoes. His steel grey eyes watching you while a lit cigarette hung loosely from his mouth.

The short raven-haired male looked over to Hanji before rolling his eyes and returned to refilling his drink, of course Hanji didn't stop ''awe Levi! She's all lonely! And don't think I forgot about you saying you wanted to meet her that one time!'' Hanji pressed. The man known as Levi grunted before making his way over, leaving the taller blonde to lean against the counter attempting to sing along with the music.

Levi took out the cigarette that was placed between his lips and squished it in the cigarette tray before averting his cold gaze back to you, raising an eyebrow. ''The names Levi Ackerman'' he started, you sat up on your stool smiling to him ''mine's Y/N L/N nice to meet you!'' you chirped happily. Levi shrugged, taking out a packet of cigarettes that was on the inside of his leather jacket he raised his eyebrow while slightly moving the pack towards you as if to silently ask if you wanted one. ''O-oh nonono thanks I don't smoke'' you apologized watching the male flick a lighter to life as he placed the cigarette between his thin lips mumbling ''whatever''.

''You two seem to be alright to be left alone hm~!'' Hanji suddenly said you had completely forgotten she was there. Hanji patted your shoulder walking away giving you a wink. You took a sip from your drink looking to Levi who was leaning against a counter next to you watching everyone dance like crazy people.

// Time Skip \

You sat on the sofa next to Levi who was drinking from a bottle hunched forward, completely drunk you abruptly stood up smiling like a dork before kneeling in front of Levi, he watched your drunken movements as you knelt in front of him. ''Oi what are you fucking doing?'' he said coldly making you giggle ''come dance Levi~'' you purred taking his free hand, the male frowned ''no sit back down you little shit'' Levi sighed. You rolled your eyes before getting hold of the collar of his leather jacket, pulling the raven-haired forward and slamming your lips to his.

Levi's eyes widened before he melted into the kiss, grazing his thin lips over your soft ones as he dragged you up onto his lap wrapping his arms around you.

You didn't know you had been sitting on his lap kissing the male until you heard Hanji squealing from somewhere in the living room. You removed your lips from Levi's to look around for Hanji as Levi rested his head against your chest listening to your heartbeat watching you look for your friend.

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