Injured!Levi x Nurse!Reader ~ Personal Nurse

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Warnings: Cursing

Sorry if this was too short


// Your P.O.V \

I stood back up from kneeling, you might ask what I was doing, well I was taking out stiches from the Corporal's leg since he injured it badly during the 57th Expedition, this resulting in him not being able for combat for a few weeks until he fully healed. I was assigned by Commander Erwin to treat Levi and bring him back to full health even if Levi refused I am one stubborn temporary nurse. The reason Erwin picked me is because I was the one with the real knowledge and experience of dealing with wounds and sicknesses of any kind.

As I stood up I made my way to my desk to write down some notes about Levi's temporary condition. "Levi you should be let off by the end of the week, unless you injure yourself again that is" I smiled to him before leaving my desk and walking to his bed where Levi sat at the edge of. "Why can't I get out of this shit hole earlier?" Levi rolled his eyes causing me to sigh. "If I dismissed you too early your leg could easily give out and break again, we need to get the bone back to its full strength so it could support your wait Captain" I told him "feels like I'm taking care of a kid to be honest" I smirked getting a pill ready for him with some water "now here comes the airplane Levi~!" I teased making airplane noises as he rolled his eyes opening his mouth for me to drop the pill in, I dropped it in successfully before ruffling his hair chuckling. "Your lucky I'm stuck in this bed or else I would have whooped your ass by now Y/N" Levi growled "oh but Levi I thought you never would hurt me~" I pout playfully earning a smirk from the man in front of me.

// Time Skip \

"Well isn't it the man that broke his leg a few weeks ago" you teased looking over to Levi who was making his way towards you. "You're never going to stop talking about that will you?" Levi asked making me laugh lightly "I bet I will eventually Levi, eventually" I comment. Levi shook his head, walking past me he slapped my butt making me jump turning towards him. Watching him walk away with pink dusted across my cheeks I hear him call out "told you I would whoop your fucking arse brat!".

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