Levi x Titan Obsessed!Reader ~ Differences

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Warnings: Cursing

Summary: You are obsessed about titans just like Hanji, how will your lover Levi react when your love for titans nearly gets you killed?


You skipped happily along outside to the experimenting area followed by your close friend Hanji. "Oh babies guess whos back~!" you called out to your adorable titan children, turning a corner expecting them to be there you paled. Hanji arrived a few seconds later and shrieked "SAWNEY!" she screeched running over "BEAN!" you added arriving at the decomposing bodies.

// Time Skip \

You heard Levi and his squad arrived but you didn't care, too pent up in your emotions you didn't care about the large group of soldiers who stared at you and Hanji as you both bawled your eyes out.

Hunched over on the dirty ground you wailed as Hanji stood there screeching out why someone would do this. Feeling a hand on your shoulder you brushed it off continuing to cry and wail like your life depended on it. "Tch Y/N stop crying already" Levi's piercing voice said from behind you, looking up with red puffy eyes and a tear stained face you looked to your lover hopelessly "Th-They're dead! Sweet Sawney and B-Bean!" you cried out to him clinging to his cape. "Y/N calm the fuck down we'll get you and four eyes more titans" Levi tried to sooth, feeling a presence at his back Levi looked over his shoulder to be met with a glossy eyed Hanji who clung to his back like a panda "They're gone Levi! How could someone do this!" she sniffled. Having two titan obsessed females claw and hang from the shirt male irritated him "get the fuck off me" he sneered to the both of you.

Dramatically falling to your knees again you began to cry once again, this time Hanji joining you as she leant on your shoulder. "T-They were so perfect!" you stuttered out in agony, Hanji nodded her head sorrowly.

// Time Skip - Next Expedition \

"I can't wait to go outside the walls again!" you cheered happily as Levi sat on his horse next to yours watching you silently. "Are you excited Levi!? Hm? Think we can get a beautiful abnormal!? Or maybe a 15 meter class!? Oh how I'd love a 7 meter class right now! Perfect siz-" your rambling was cut off when Levi interrupted "tell me again... Why am I leading the squad to get you a titan?" Levi clicked his tongue as you turned to him "because I'm your girlfriend~! And you love me! Plus my birthday is coming up next week so this can be the present!" you squeal clasping your hands over your chest in excitement, Levi rolls his eyes "I'm only getting you one so make your decision carefully" he warned watching you get more and more excited. "Of course Levi! Maybe a 7 meter class! Nonono a 15 meter? Maybe a 5 or 4 meter class!? So cute I wanna cuddle them!" you continued to ramble about what titans you would want as Levi got lost in thought .

"Levi~!!!" you grinned crazily to the raven haired male who raised a eyebrow to you. You pointed over the horizon where you could see multiple titans wandering around "look at all of them! I wonder if there's a strong one in the group?! Maybe there's an abnormal!?" you smile to yourself before looking to your boyfriend "I've made my decision! I'll have any 7 meter class you give me!" you finish as Levi nods making a mental note to keep an eye out for any 7 or 8 meter class titans.

Spotting a small four meter titan sitting on the ground alone mindlessly made you raise your eyebrow, immediately breaking off from your squad you headed towards the beast. "Y/N what the fuck are you doing!?" Levi yelled out to you following from afar. Hopping off your horse you stood a couple meters away from the sitting titan who now stared down to you.

Spreading your arm out you grinned happily to the beast who gazed at you in silence. "Hello my love! I'm surprised you haven't jumped at me yet! Maybe you're a new titan since you're just sitting here-" you were cut off when the beast suddenly jumped at you, flying away in time you laughed "almost got me there! You're a strange one aren't you? I think I'll call you... George!" you grin once again but the grin didn't last when Levi spun behind the monster slicing it's nape. Your eyes widened as you screeched in terror "NO!!! GEORGE! LEVI HOW DARE YOU! I WANTED TO TAKE GEORGE WITH ME!" you shouted as your temper rose, Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance before suddlenly grabbing you by the collar of your shirt lifting you up to his level, mere inches from his face making you pale "don't ever fucking go off by yourself again! You'll end up killing yourself!" he growled down to you as his grip made you wince from pain, frowning you took his wrist and removed yourself from his hold. "For your information, I was fine! I didn't need any saving Ackerman" you spat jumping back up onto your horse as you glanced back at the titan corpse before galloping away without another word.

Groaning from frustration Levi soon followed as you both joined back up with your squad as an awkward silence fell upon you all, normally your cheery voice would be non-stop talking about titans or trying to spark a conversation to Levi who just grumbled most of the time.

Eventually meeting up with the others the Expedition was over and you all were riding back together, Hanji rode beside you on your left as Levi was at your right. Ever since the incident happened earlier with Levi you barely said a word to anyone. "Y/N what's wrong you're never this quiet, something happen?" Hanji asked looking to you, shaking your head you refused to look at your friend. Hanji looked at the far side of you catching Levi's eye, he sighed clicking his tongue before looking ahead as silence took over.

Soon enough you all arrived at HQ, quickly putting your horse away and disappearing to continue with your little temper tantrum. Hanji watched you from afar with Levi "what's wrong with her?" she looked down to the shorter man who crossed his arms "I killed a titan she wanted, now she's pissed" Levi simple said "Maybe you should go talk to her?" Hanji suggested smiling a little. Levi looked to be in thought for a few seconds before nodding and walking off.

You lay on your bed reading quietly whilst humming a song to yourself not really paying attention to the book you were starting to feel guilty about snapping at Levi for basically protecting you yet he picked you up like you were some shitty cadet so you had a right to be angry. Sighing you sat up and jumped slightly seeing Levi on a chair at your desk quietly watching you. "H-How the fuck did you get in without me noticing?" you asked putting the book away, Levi shrugged "just came to check up on you brat" he said looking around the room. Nodding slightly you laid down facing the wall as you faced your back towards the man. Levi's eyes squinted at your behaviour before he sighed, taking off his jacket and boots he carefully climbed in beside you.

Wrapping his arms around you Levi dug his face into the crook of your neck "sorry for killing the titan earlier.. Didn't know you wanted it that much" he murmed quietly as you stayed still and silent against him. "Did I hurt you?" Levi continued hoping he didn't hurt the one he cared for most, hesitantly nodding you shuffled a little away from him. "Y/N I didn't mean to... I was angry and I wasn't thinking about what I was doing.. Please I wanna see where I hurt you" he purred softly. Turning around to him you pulled down a bit of your collar and showed him a light bruise, not daring to meet his cold gaze. "Fuck.. Princess I'm sorry I didn't mean to I swear" he said noticing how you didnt utter a word "Y/N please you're killing me I didn't mean to" Levi tried again.

Clicking your tongue you sighed "It's fine Levi, I didn't mean to snap at you earlier so we're even now" yawning you cuddle into him "just shut up and cuddle me already I wanna catch some sleep" you giggle, Levi smiles lightly nodding as you fall asleep in his arms.

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