Levi x Kidnapped! Reader ~ Together

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Warnings : Cursing, make out session ahead

Summary : Reiner and Bertholdt have managed to capture you and Eren, the Scouts only managing to rescue Eren and were forced to leave you behind. Months later you appear back at the walls by yourself


// Flashback \

I watched as Erwin and the others retreated, the higher ups, my friends and even some of my closest ones leaving me behind with these two traitors. Tears streamed down my face as I watched Eren scream and try scramble towards me only to be pulled back by Mikasa, the guilty and sorrowful looks from my comrades began to tear and shred me from the inside. I fell to my knees catching one last look at the group before they rode over the sunset, I felt a hand being laid on my shoulder and I turn around to see Bertholdt standing behind me looking down with pleading eyes. There was no hope for me, the Scouts weren't coming back for me, the only thing to do for me to survive is to do as they say and hope to escape..

And that's what I did.

// Current Time \

I managed to escape that hellish prison Reiner and Bertholdt kept me in for 3 months. Now I was soaring through the air by 3DM Gear and wearing a dark hoodie along with boots and my normal uniform, I squint my E/C eyes as I see the wall getting closer and closer towards me as I zip through the clear skies. I didn't manage to see any titans along the way so you could say luck was on my side today.

Three months being apart from Levi, the last time I saw him was while he was being treated with his injury from the 57th Expedition, he is most likely healed up by now and back to his grouchy self but I couldn't help but miss him, his funny comments and just overall being with him. 'Then again.. If I was still held captive why didn't he tried to send out a squad to find me..?' My thoughts drifted but were quickly pulled back together when I arrived at the bottom of the wall.

With a grunt I shot the hooks up high into the side of the wall, speeding up it quickly noticing voices and chatter from on top of it. I hault my actions to try figure out who the voices belong to until I hear the infamous 'tch' causing me to grin widely but that grin was casted off when I hear another familiar voice... Commander Erwin. The one who decided to leave me there with the traitors to most likely die, how could I forget him.

I hook onto the wall one last time before my gear propells me upwards catching most soldiers attention, I land on the ground with a thud as my hood covers my face. "Who the fuck are you?" Levi questioned cautiously slowly taking out his blades, Erwin noticing the uniform I have on along with the gear I've collected steps forward slowly.

"You left me.." I seeth at him making him flinch "why did you leave me there to die Erwin" I continue before pulling down my hood glaring daggers at the man that stood before me. Muffled whispers and a few gasps were heard along the wall as I continue to stare down the commander with pure hated, I was soon interrupted by an excited shout and footsteps coming from behind. I turn to see Hanji screaming my name running towards me with a smile plastered onto her face, my gaze softens as I take the taller woman into a hug. "Oo Y/N we are so so sorry we couldn't rescue you earlier! We didn't mean to leave you I swear! Plus Levi nearly strangled Erwin after hearing the news~!" Hanji laughed patting my back making me look over to Levi who was staring at me in shock whilst his hands were shaking, I offer him a small smile right before Erwin decided to interrupt. " As Hanji said earlier, we had to rescue Eren as he was top priority we were in the middle of getting ready to get you but it seems like we don't have to, I am truly sorry this happened to you Y/N and I understand if you do not trust me" Erwin apologised, I nod my head at him understanding the situation.

I rip myself away from Hanji and sprint to Levi completely taking him by surprise as I engulf him in a tight hug. He returns the action mumbling quietly to me while I tried my best not to cry, digging my face into his shoulder I let my emotions loose and I began to bawl my eyes out saying how much I missed him and how hard it was. Levi gently stroked my soft hair after motioning everyone to leave, a few moments later it was just us two. He sat us both down after taking off the gear, letting me sit in his lap and hold onto him like a koala at a tree. "I thought I'd never see you again, I thought you met someone knew and forgot about me" I cried out "why would I forget about you and leave you for someone else? I'd never do that.." Levi comforts while rubbing circles on my back as I continue to wail.

"You're alright now, I got you.. everything will be alright" Levi soothes as my cries turned to hiccups laying my head against his chest while I watch the others call off the rescue mission and head back down the wall. "You know.. I hic love you hic right?" I say quietly sitting up and wrapping my arms around his neck as I look to him affection deprived. Levi nods before catching me off in a kiss I've longed for in months, I hungrily kiss back diving my hands through his raven locks as he lays back down letting me stay on top. Wrapping his arm around me protectively while the other went down to my pants sneakily, Levi softly rolls is over so he'd be on top, hunched over my frame as he devours my mouth in sweet kisses, slowly making his way down my neck making me squirm underneath his touch. My hand trails up and down his chest while Levi began to nibble and suck on my collar bone causing me to moan slightly. I smirk as I lightly brush my hand over his crotch resulting in his breath to hitch, his hips grinding against mine.

Our little intimate moment lasted only a few minutes before it escalated into something else from the wind picking up making my hood fly over my head, this made me burst out into a fit of childish laughter before apologising tremendously for ruining the moment. "Oh my I'm sorry I couldn't help it!" I giggle earning a playful eyeroll from Levi "why don't we get back to HQ huh?" Levi suggested while getting up and helping me up "sure! It's been a while since I've been there anyway" I agree while getting our stuff ready to head home.


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