Levi x Reader ~ Puppy Love

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A/N: Basing this off the Imagine I posted earlier

Warning: Cursing, Slight Angst

D/N - Dog Name

Summary: You find a small adorable puppy during an Expedition and take the risk of bringing it back to HQ, Levi eventually finds out about your little friend


We set up a temporary small camp in an abandoned village just for a few hours to restock on gas, other equipment and get some food. Grassy plains surrounded the empty houses and buildings with few trees scattered here and there, the sky was bright blue with clouds dusting it along with the hot sun beaming down onto us.

Levi had gone to a small meeting with Erwin in a large tent with the other higher-ups so I had some free time to get adjusted to my surroundings. Petting my horse one last time I began to walk off in an unknown direction hoping for a small adventure.

'Wonder what the insides of these houses look like..' I thought to myself walking down an empty road with houses either side of me, spotting a nice looking cottage ahead I smile lightly to myself at the sight before reaching the building. I placed my hands on my hips looking over the front of the cottage ''seems like a nice cozy place to me.. too bad it's abandoned..'' I mutter quietly before cautiously creaking the door open, peeking my head in I look around making sure it's safe to enter.

Surprisingly the house was as normal looking like any other house that someone would live in, the only difference is that nobody was here. Walking in and gently closing the door behind me I slowly walked down the hallway looking at the walls and some paintings and pictures that hung up on them. Eventually making my way into the kitchen I glance around, a large kitchen that connects to the living room. A little light seeped through the window as miniature dust particles floated around making me chuckle to myself slightly thinking about Levi's reaction to the dust if he was here.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a whimper, spinning around I instinctively latched onto the handle of my blade whilst making my way over to where the sound came from, under a wooden table. Once I stood in front of the table I knelt down peering underneath it with a raised eyebrow, soon enough a cute ball of fluff crawled out from underneath looking to me wearily. From what I could tell by the fur coat of the pup it was a Rottweiler, a small chubby one at that. A little squeal left my lips as a childish smile was planted on them, reaching my arm out to the small pup it licked my hand playfully before coming out fully to me. ''Awe.. aren't you a cute little fella?'' I coo to the small canine who erupted in a tiny bark. Giggling to myself I gently picked the chubby ball of fluff up and placed him underneath my green scouting cape, his small head peeping out as I cuddled him at my chest. ''Come on little guy.. you're coming with me!'' I chirp making my way out of the cottage.

As I made my way back I spotted Levi, Eren and the others feeding their horses up ahead. Covering the pup with my cape I kept it to my chest protectively, the closer I walked to the group the quicker I caught Levi's eye. Raising an eyebrow at me he let his horse lick his knuckles while watching me ''where were you?'' Levi asked as I adjusted the pup under the cape. ''Oh! I was bored and decided to go around and look at the nice houses! There's a really nice cottage up ahead'' I sent him a smile as he sighed returning his gaze back to his horse who was nibbling on the piece of food Levi was handing him. ''Don't do it again unless you tell someone Y/N, got it?'' he continued. Nodding I arrive at my horse beside his and go around to the side of mine where the body of the horse covered me. Opening up a sack that I would usually use for cool rocks or flowers I'd collect during expeditions I gently put the puppy in, cooing to it silently before Erwin announced it was time for dinner.

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