Levi x Insane!Reader ~ My Demons *Levi's P.O.V*

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Warning: Angst

Summary: Levi's P.O.V of the last one-shot


It's been four weeks since Y/N went berserk on the cadet, she killed them and somehow had an immensely strong grip on their neck which I couldn't even pry her off of them. Soon enough Erwin was told about the incident and was beyond concerned for the rest of our safety whilst Y/N was wandering freely around the HQ. Yet she only tried to strangle someone when they came in physical contact with me.

Only me.

Y/N would keep saying she's doing it to protect me but she was attempting to kill her comrades in the process. So the only thing we could do was send the soldier to a mental institute in Wall Rose, Hanji then began to theorize why she had suddenly begun to act like this.

Hanji's only conclusion was that Y/N has lost it and had quickly formed an obsession with me. I'd visit her often to check up and see if the doctors and psychiatrists about her state and progress, she was slowly getting better.


I walked through the hallways and corridors of the mental institute, wearing my Scouting uniform and signature cravat I arrived at the receptionist desk. ''For Ms.Y/N I presume?'' the lady asked already getting the key to the padded room, nodding silently she hands me the keys. ''Thanks'' I mutter before walking off through the large building soon arriving outside Y/N's room, fondling with the key I opened the door and walked inside before shutting it and facing her.

Y/N was against the wall, her hands held down to the floor as she watched me. ''How are you?'' I ask as she grins ''I'm alright, how are you Captain?'' Y/N's voice sounded lively, shrugging I kept quiet watching her sit up straight away. ''What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Tell me! I'll kill them for you'' she said quickly as I internally flinched at the sudden change in her. Rolling my eyes I walk over to her and stand next to her looking down at her smaller figure. ''Nothing's wrong, nobody hurt me, just damn paperwork I got earlier is annoying'' I say easing her down. 'The only person who is hurting me is you Y/N, go back to normal.. It hurts seeing you like this' I mentally add as she offered a smile. Furrowing my eyebrows I gaze down to her ''What happened to you Y/N? You were never like this before..'' I watch her bite her lip as her distant gaze never leaves mine. ''I only want to protect you, I hate when those disgusting pigs lay their hands on you'' Y/n sighs. ''But they aren't hurting me if they did I'd obviously beat them and make sure they beg for mercy'' I say taking out another key for her handcuffs and kneel down, unlocking the little devices I step back slightly watching her rub her reddened wrists.

Y/N snickers before she looks to me ''why thank you captain! Even though you shouldn't be afraid of me... I'd never lay a hand on you, only on those who hurt you'' she says softly as I click my tongue at her odd behavior. 'Now I know what Hanji was telling me about the obsession part...' I mentally note.

Soon enough me and Y/N got in a comfortable conversation talking about anything and everything, laughing at some shitty jokes we'd throw in as well but I couldn't stop the guilt that was flooding at the back of my mind as I talked to her, I mentioned the Combat-training I done with the cadets earlier today and noticed she flinched at the thought of it. 'She hasn't changed a bit... She's probably never going to get better..' I thought as I looked to my watch 'Time to head back'I add before motioning for her to get back to her handcuffs. Y/N sent me a pout which I couldn't help but find adorable as I locked them around her little wrists again making sure they were secured. Standing up I made my way over to the door until her voice called out ''wait! You're going already?'' she whimpered as I forced a blank expression, nodding to her ''I'll be back, don't worry... Just focus on getting better'' I mutter keeping my voice low. Y/N smiled innocently at me which didn't make the situation easier.

''Alright Levi! Goodnight! I'll see ya later!'' she chirps unaware that this is going to be the last time I'll visit, gripping the door handle I bite my lower lip ''bye Y/N..'' my voice cracked slightly indicating I was near enough on the verge of tears. Blinking them away I walk out of the room, locking the door eventually arriving at the receptionist and handing her back the keys before I leave the building without glancing back to it.

'This is for your own good Y/N if you want to get better then you and I have to stop seeing each other.. I love you.'

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