Levi x Daughter!Reader ~ Fathers Day

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Request: imagine levi's daughter learning french just so she could speak to him in french on father's day

Fcking adorable am I right?

Warnings: None


You had been practicing French for a while now without your father knowing. Your friend was fluint in it so you found that pretty handy and decided to ask if they could help, and of course they did.

Today was fathers day and you managed to surprise your dad with a little book full of drawings and small poems you made up, you left the self made book on his desk.

While you were eating in the mess hall you felt someone behind you, you turned around seeing Levi smiling down at you holding the book in one hand before he gently kissed your forehead along with saying how much he likes it.

And now was for the final surprise you would speak French to him which you were very excited for in fact.

You walked into his office catching him dusting down his shelf, he turned to you smiling lightly continuing to clean "hello Y/N" he said. You took a deep breath, going over what you were going to say one last time.

(my French isn't the best so yeah)

"Salut papa, je voulais juste dire avoir une bonne journée pères et je t'aime tant" ( Hi dad, I just wanted to say have a good Fathers day and I love you so much)you said confidently to your father who stopped what he was doing, turning around to you he couldn't helpt but let out a genuine smile.

"Come here princess, you're making me all sappy now" he chuckled as you dived into Levi's arms. "I love you too you know that right, you're a little angel" your dad said softly smiling, you could've sworn you saw tears at the corner of his eyes.

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