Headcanon #29

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Request: Its chisrmas/ levi's birthday, in this ask. What if levi and the reader were in the the dinning room getting dinner and all of a sudden the reader pushes levi to the floor. Before levi has time to react, he hears gun shots and sees the reader fall to the floor bleeding. The soldier with the gun was in levi's squad and was trying to kill him, but the reader saved his life. The reader lives and recovers after awhile and levi realizes he loves the reader? Weird ask I know. 😓 P.s love this blog


Warning: Mentions of blood


¬ You were prepping the dining table with Levi

¬ ''I'll go get the drinks''

¬ ''Kay kay''

¬ Of course you were setting up the last few pieces before Hanji and a few others came over

¬ Until a strange glint of light caught your eye

¬ You were confused at first but shrugged it off

¬ Helping Levi with the drinks on the table the same glint caught your eye again

¬ Except this time when you looked there was a rifle being pointed directly at Levi

¬ You didn't even think your body just moved on its own as you shoved Levi out of the way the moment a gunshot was heard

¬ ''Y/N what the fu-!?''

¬ There you stood holding your blood-soaked stomach as Levi began to panic

¬ Fuck the Christmas dinner he rushed you to the HQ infirmary which was only a few minutes away

¬ You were unconscious

¬ Levi literally felt his heart drop as the nurses took you from his arms

¬ ''Hey shorty! What's up! Happy birthday~''

¬ Hanji's smile dropped when Levi turned to her with a blood-stained shirt

¬ ''Wha-What happened!?''

¬ ''Y/N was shot, she took the bullet instead of me..''

¬ You were resting for a few days

¬ Levi would visit you daily which made you happy

¬ ''How are you feeling?''

¬ ''Fine and dandy!''

¬ He'd confess since that incident nearly cost your life and he'd rather you knowing than not

¬ You obviously don't turn him down and say you like him back

¬ Levi's surprisingly super sweet and gentle

¬ This man would cuddle up to your side when there's nobody around

¬ He'd get you flowers ^.^

Love One Another - Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now