Levi x Injured!Reader ~ Savior

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Request: Could you write something about Levi's gf getting hurt and almost losing her life to save him on the battlefield? Thanks. Love your writing~

Warning: Cursing


Dashing through the brisk air with your 3DM Gear you skillfully dodged and killed titans that crossed your path, you were in Levi's squad since being the overprotective boyfriend he is he put you with him.

Right now you were by yourself, flying through the forest of giant trees, the Scouts decided to go on a mission mainly about killing off titans and decreasing their numbers. Levi was by himself as well but you knew he would be alright.

Didn't you?

Flying out into a little open part of the forest you saw Levi circle around the titan as it effortlessly attempted to catch him in it's enormous hand. Smirking to yourself you knew Levi was too concentrated on the titan to notice you. 'Alright.. Pop up out of nowhere and steal his kill' you mentally told yourself.

Your thoughts were immediately cut off when you heard a loud groan of pain, E/C orbs immediately landing on Levi's struggling form you felt a massive wave of fury run through you. "Oi Levi!" you shrieked to him, whipping his head to you he shook it violently "Y/N it's an abnormal don't you dare!" he shouted sternly, ignoring his shouts and commands you took out a fresh set of blades and bulleted towards the beast.

Almost instantly the titan grabbed you in its hold as Levi paled at the sight, growling from annoyance you sliced open the titans hand. Seeing it desperately try to raise Levi to it's mouth while he was trapped in a death grip. Quickly you sped towards its hand and began to slice off it's wrist. Soon successfully taking it off you immediately went to the nape and killed the titan.

Levi looked like he was barely hanging onto consciousness, without thinking you let yourself drop from the sky, catching him in your arms you came in contact with the ground. Saving Levi from the fall but hearing loud snaps making you screech in pain. Choosing to ignore the searing pain that went up and down both your legs you let Levi out of your hold, watching him sit up groaning before turning to you and sending you a glare. "Y/N what the actual fuck was that?" he hissed in disapproval standing up, frowning yet cringing from the pain in your legs you shrugged "you expect me to let you get eaten, Levi have you gone off your rocker?" you reply seeing him roll his eyes.

"Tch whatever, if it's a thanks you want then thank you.. Now come on and get up" he said offering a hand down to you, taking his hand Leci hauled you up only for you to yelp in pain and fall into his chest from your legs.

"You idiot.. Probably broke both your damn legs, Y/N you're reckless as shit" Levi scolded before swiping you up into a bridal style hold. Instinctively wrapping your arms around his neck you bit your lip gazing to your legs where warm blood began to soak your pants.

// Time Skip \

You had been in the infirmary for two weeks now, you had broken both of your legs and now they were being left to heal. Levi would visit often, so would your friends to give you a bit of company.

Hearing the door open to your room you were sitting up in bed against the headboard, glancing to whoever walked in you recognised the person as Levi wearing his suit which he wore when he was injured from Annie.

Lifting an eyebrow you eyed his outfit in confusion "what's with the fancy dressing for? Some event?" you ask as he sits at the end of your bed, shaking his head he flicks his haze to the floor then to you. "We got three days off so I decided to wear this" Levi simply answers as you nod "how's the legs holding up?" he gestured to your legs as you sighed. "They're healing so fucking slow, I'm so bored here doing nothing" you whine as Levi clicks his tongue "it won't last forever, have some patience it'll be worth it" he states scooting up the bed towards you.

Letting him sit next to you-you rested your head on his shoulder taking in his scent, lavender and a hint of cologne. "Your man perfume smells nice" you snicker at your choice of words for cologne as Levi chuckles. "Man perfume? Well then I like your lady cologne" he sarcastically replied making you laugh.

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