Levi x Crush!Singer!Reader ~ Singer Girl

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A/N: I want to say thank you everyone for all the support, likes and comments I've gotten on this book! I will continue the one-shots, headcanons and imagines on a new book I will bring out soon and it will be on my profile so keep an eye out for that! Thank you~!

Request: Levi falling for a woman who he feels is out of his league so he just adored and watches her from a far til one day some drunk mp becomes really aggressive towards her 🙏🏽

Warning: Cursing


You were a well-known female amongst the ranks of the Scouts, known for being so friendly and kind and the other reason is for being a part-time singer for nobles in Wall Sina and across the Walls. Not to mention you looked like an angel that came down from the heavens. You got on well with your superiors since you gave them no trouble so they left you to do your own thing, you even got along with the captain and that would be hard for some people to do.

Eren and Ymir had just been taken by Reiner and Bertholdt, Erwin was with Pyxis off somewhere and I was left waiting with Levi, Jean, and a few others with MP's. Walking alongside an assistant soldier which was named Luna, she was a nice girl. Turned a corner to see a small area filled with people and wagons, Levi was sitting opposite Pastor Nick in one and Jean was sitting nearby on a crate drinking. A tap was felt on my shoulder, turning to the side seeing Luna was silently trying to get my attention ''yes?'' I ask smiling lightly as we continue to walk again, passing the wagon Levi was in I sent him a warm smile as he nods lightly.

''Ma'am these are your arrangements for your upcoming performances in Sina, some have been booked and sold out almost immediately yet some dates may clash with your Scouting schedule'' she says handing me a page, stopping for a second I look down at the page flicking over the dates and places. Humming to myself I thank Luna and tell her to go over to the wagon which Levi was in, sauntering over to Jean I shoot him a playful smirk. ''It's been a while hasn't it Jean? How have you been'' I say as Jean glances to me before taking a swig of water. ''I've been good, the captain's been wondering where you've disappeared to'' he replied as I glanced around to the soldiers again ''oh? Really? Then again I've been gone for a while so I don't blame him'' I mutter as Jean nods. ''Well I'm gonna go, good to see ya again horse face'' I snicker as Jean rolls his eyes, wandering off I pass a bunch of MP's who just stood around talking.

Clicking my tongue I arrive at the wagon where Levi, Luna and Pastor Nick sat in silence. ''Hello captain'' I chirp as Levi rests his arm up on the side of the wagon ''you're back huh? Luna was just telling me about the shit with you going into Sina... Noble pigs can be really picky with their dates can't they?'' Levi said as I hop up into the wagon, sitting down next to Levi. ''Yep, business is business though..'' I mutter going over the page again as Luna watches me, waiting for me to point out something.

''What a joke.. I thought this was supposed to be an emergency'' I hear someone talk from behind the wagon ''yeah we just came here to sit on our asses or what?'' another adds. ''Hey Levi!'' the same guy says as Levi looks over his shoulder to them. ''Problem? You seem eager to be eaten alive soldier'' Levi states, glimpsing to Nick I notice he has his gaze trained on the floor of the wagon. ''Huh.. Sorry we couldn't make that happen for you today, plenty of opportunities outside the wall if you're looking'' Levi continues as the MP's go quiet staring at him. ''Lots of Scouting Expeditions.. I'd be more than happy for the help, we can all fight titans together'' his voice drips with sarcasm which almost made me laugh, turning I look over my shoulder to the three MP's who look between each other nervously.

One of them glances to me before they gasp, running to the side of the wagon they rest their hands on it as they look up to me. Jumping slightly from the sudden movement I look down to them in concern. ''Hi..?'' I nervously say as they smile ''you're Y/N, aren't you? The singer? How did I not recognize you from before?'' they beam up to me as I force a smile, not knowing what to say or do I awkwardly pat them on the head.

// Levi's P.O.V \

Watching Y/N awkwardly pat the MP's head I scowl at the soldier as they return to the other two who just witnessed the entire scene. Y/N turns around and continues going over the page with the dates and information on it for her Sina performances with a tint of pink on her cheeks due to embarrassment. Looking over her features for a good few seconds I catch Luna watching from the corner of my eye. Swiftly looking away I frown off to a different direction 'damn brat watching my every move, why is she an assistant when she might as well be a fucking bodyguard' I internally grumble.

// Your P.O.V - Time Skip \

It's been a few weeks since the day I was in the wagon with Levi. He seemed so flustered over something, plus he was a stuttering mess. I'd often catch him looking from afar but shrugged it off most of the time.

Humming to myself I stood against a wall outside the HQ, some Garrison and MP's were over for a meeting with Erwin and I had nothing to do so here I am minding my own business.

''Y/N! It's a pleasure to meet you darling~'' a masculine voice calls out to me from the side, looking over to where it came from I squint my eyes at the sight of a drunken MP stumbling right towards me. 'How is this guy drunk?! He's on duty and he's wasted already!' I internally screech as he arrives next to me. ''Say when is your next song coming out? Maybe I'll be involved in it~'' the MP coo's as I roll my eyes. ''Can you leave me alone?'' I ask lowly to him as he shakes his head, next second my wrists were pinned above my head. Eyes widening I look up shocked to the MP who grinned. ''Hey let go of me right now, your superiors are inside that building and I could just shout for help'' I warn him as he shakes his head. ''I'm just h-having a bit of fun~'' he slurs as I scrunch my face up in disgust.

''Tch she said let go you pig'' another voice adds, snapping my head to the side I couldn't help but feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders noticing a fuming Levi heading right towards the two of us. Stuttering the MP let go forcing a weary smile to Levi as he stepped back a little ''L-Levi! it's been a while!'' he stutters as Levi grumbles, arriving in front of us Levi wraps an arm around my shoulders protectively pulling me closer to him as he glared at the MP. ''You better piss off before I kick you to shit soldier'' Levi threatens as the guy takes off the opposite way.

Looking to me Levi offers a delicate expression, his face explodes in a red. Instantly removing his arm from around me he looks to the ground flustered ''y-you alright?'' he asks as I nod, a pink hue covering my cheeks as I look to him. ''Thanks for backing me up there.. I owe you one'' I say as he shakes his head. ''No it's f-fine'' he stutters, rolling my eyes playfully I gently place my fingers under his chin. ''Y/N what are you d-doing?!'' Levi says in a slight panic, shrugging I place my lips over his before pulling back.

''Y/N no we can't, I don't deserve you we can't do this'' Levi says in a weary tone as I pout slightly. ''So you do return the feelings, yet you refuse to be with me'' I mumble, sighing Levi nods ''basically, you're a singer, and a soldier you deserve more'' he adds backing up a little. ''Levi what are you saying? Just because I may be a singer doesn't mean I'm more important than anyone, especially you... Don't think I've caught you looking before'' I smirk as he scowls. ''So stubborn..'' he mutters, clicking his tongue he brushes his lips over mine.

''Alright singer girl, I'll be with you''

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