Levi x Reader ~ Fight

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Request: Imagine a modern au where levi and the reader were about to get comfy in their bed with a good movie. However, instead of doing so, they fight over a blanket and ends up on the floor trying to strangle or suffocate each other with pillows. 💀

A/N: I did this as a subtle fight since I don't fancy writing you and Levi trying to murder each other lmao


Warning: None


You laid in your bed with fluffy pajamas flicking through Netflix covered in a big cozy blanket trying to find something to watch while your boyfriend Levi was preparing some snacks in the kitchen. A while later Levi walked into your shared room holding a bowl of popcorn, some sweets, and drinks you sat up and took the stuff from him so he could join you under the covers. A smile graced your lips as you pecked his cheek before skimming over a Fifty Shades movie, you turned to Levi wiggling your eyebrows making him chuckle ''we're not watching that Y/N'' he says taking the controller from you making you pout while he wrapped his spare arm around you.

// Time Skip \

You felt the blanket being slightly pulled from your side, glancing over to Levi who was slowly dozing off, you smirked before yanking it back from him making his eyes shoot open. Snapping his head to you Levi pulled the blanket back to him and shut his eyes again resting. A few silent minutes passed and you were beginning to get cold from the loss of the fabric your boyfriend took, you heard quiet snores from Levi. Sitting up you tried to slowly take some of the warm blanket back from him, he even had a tight grip of it in his sleep! This making you groan internally 'god dammit.. I'm freezing while Levi's cuddled up like a bear cub!' you smirked deviously, grabbing a pillow you walloped Levi with it making him wake up immediately. Glaring to you ''what is it Y/N...'' Levi grumbled ''you keep taking the blanket! It's making me cold..''you moaned while putting a sweet in your mouth. Levi rolled his eyes ignoring your complaints and continued to try to get some sleep ''Levi...'' You started, no response ''Leviii..'' you tried again, still getting no reply from the man. ''Baby..'' you made yourself whimper slightly, sighing you tried one last time after getting a slight idea ''daddy please...'' you noticed Levi shift slightly. ''Shut up Y/N..'' Levi growled you shook your head before hitting him with a pillow again.

What you didn't expect was for a pillow to come flying to your face sending you off the side of the bed with a cry of pain. ''T-that hurt! Jerk!'' you yelped soon enough seeing Levi look over the side of the bed to you, he rolled his eyes only making you more annoyed. You took his shirt and tore him down from the bed onto you making Levi frown at you. ''Y/N I'm giving you a choice to get back up onto the bed and leave me be... or else'' Levi smirked menacingly ''you aren't going to get cuddles for two months..'' your shoulders slumped before he continued ''you going to get back up into the bed now? or will I leave you down here by yourself?'' Levi asked making you huff.

You hit him with a pillow again and he pinned you to your carpet floor. ''Y/N you're going to end up pissing me off, stop.'' Levi stated before getting up off from you and laying back down on the bed. You were getting so frustrated with him ''if you want me back up there with you then let me have some of the blanket'' you waited for a reply, seconds passed and you still got nothing. Eyebrows furrowing you stood up, got your phone and walked out of the room while rubbing your eyes trying to stop the tears that had appeared from frustration, you walked out of the room heading downstairs without another word. Levi watching your annoyed facial expression and you fighting back the tears of anger while you walked out, sighing he sat up turning off the Tv and soon followed you with the blanket trailing behind him.

// 1st Person P.O.V \

I sat huddled up on the sofa watching some episodes of Attack On Titan trying to rid my mind of the frustrated thoughts that kept slipping in, soon enough I saw Levi walk into the sitting room with the blanket. Pretending like he wasn't there I continued to watch the show that was playing on the large flatscreen ahead of me until Levi begun wrapping the blanket around me and sat down beside me.

Wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder I heard him whisper ''I'm sorry Y/N I was just tired, I didn't mean to pin you to the floor back there I'm sorry brat..'' I sighed and wrapped the blanket around us both as we held each other silently soon enough falling to sleep on the couch. 

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