Levi x Civilian!Reader ~ Far Away

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Request: Hihi ~ ❤️❤️Can request a continuation of Levi and the Assistant Civilian Where Levi goes to confess to her? >\\<

Warning: Cursing


I arrived outside the HQ belonging to the Scouts, my mother had recently just told me that my family was moving to a different part in Wall Rose, the opposite side of the wall to be exact. This means I don't think I'll see any of my friends again. She told me this during breakfast this morning and I've never felt more sick and upset than before.

Walking into the HQ I was greeted by Hanji and Moblit who welcomed me back happily. ''Good morning Y/N! How are you?'' Hanji grinned widely as Moblit smiled to me, biting my lip I knew I couldn't keep this from them forever. ''Hanji I need to tell you something..'' I say walking towards her and Moblit, her grin fades into a concerned look. ''What is it Y/N? Are you okay?'' she questioned, I nodded looking up to her ''my mother... she told me during breakfast that we'll be moving to the opposite side of Wall Rose next week... I won't get to see you or the others again..'' I mutter as Hanji's shoulders slump, glancing to Moblit she motions for him to leave.

When Moblit is out of sight Hanji abruptly picked up my smaller form and hugged me tightly. ''Oh Y/N! You can't leave mee~ Whatever shall I do!'' the scientist joked making me giggle lightly before my dull mood returned as we began walking through the corridors of the HQ. Hanji had her arm over my shoulder as we talked.

''I don't want to go, I'll miss you, the others and Levi'' I whine to her, Hanji pouts before her face lit up slightly. ''And Levi?'' she asked as a smirk crept onto her thin lips, my cheeks exploded into a blush. ''Fine.. You got me there you mad woman, but don't tell him please Hanji don't'' I plead to her as she cackles nodding. Hanji eventually calmed down ''such a tragic love story... You two would have been a power couple together but you gotta leave..'' Hanji looked sad, I attempted to pat her shoulder in comfort.

Standing outside the crowded mess hall, Hanji swung open the doors with a loud bang making everyone go silent. Stepping in she stood at the railings by the little staircase, following her in I stood next to her a little concerned about what she'll do. Coughing loudly Hanji turned back to the massive crowd ''Hello everyone! As you all know! I'm Section Commander Hanji and this is Y/N! Now I got sad news for you all tonight!'' Hanji exclaimed, sadness laced in her once bubbly voice. Motioning to me she pulled me into her side and wrapped an arm around me ''our dearly beloved Y/N is leaving! For the opposite side of Wall Rose next week! Now! Let's not her through too much hassle since we might not see her again! Thank you~!'' Hanji finished with a smirk as tables of people started to whisper and talk. 'Oh god, Hanji why...' you thought inwardly as she dragged you through the crowds towards the superior table after getting your food.

Sitting down next to the woman you began to eat as Hanji hummed quietly eating her own food, Levi was across from you, to his left was Erwin and to his right was Miche. I soon finished my food and sat there lost in an ocean of thoughts. ''So you're moving Y/N?'' Erwin asked, looking towards the blonde I nod lightly, sighing I rest my chin on the palm of my hand. ''Yeah.. my mother is making us move across Rose so we can live closer to some family members that live there...'' I mutter, Erwin sent me a sympathetic look ''well at least you'll be closer to family right?'' he attempted to cheer me up, biting the inside of my cheek I shrugged. ''I haven't even met them, I just want to stay here with you guys... Everyone here is like family to me'' I tell him gazing around the mess hall at the familiar faces of my friends.

I could feel Levi's cold grey orbs stare into the side of my face while he sipped his tea. ''Seems like I won't have a little helper from next week on'' Erwin chuckled making me snicker at him. Levi sat up and placed down his cup ''Y/N would you mind helping me with paperwork? Before you go? I'll have a shit ton to do by myself then'' Levi asks as I feel Hanji gently nudge my leg under the table, smiling towards Levi I nod. ''Of course I'll help Levi, after dinner?'' I question hearing him hum in confirmation.

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