Levi x Strong!Cadet!Reader ~ Shyness

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Request: Could you do a one shot of Levi's reaction of the reader being an cadet who's rising to the top quickly and Hanji joking on how she's going to take his place soon if he's not careful?

Warning: Cursing


You were a shy cadet, shy yet kind and gentle to your friends and superiors. Some thought you and Krista were related somehow but you weren't related at all. The only thing is, your gentleness completely vanishes when combat training rolls around. You had the strength of Annie and Mikasa put together, and damn that was strong indeed.

Hanji had begun to praise you on your combat skills which would make you slightly flustered from her praises and compliments, even Levi had approved of your skills once or twice which made you turn a very deep red.

// Time Skip \

You were eating lunch with your friends, listening to their conversation while quietly eating your soup. You caught Sasha eying your bread from beside you, picking the small piece up you gave her it without uttering a word and continued with your meal. ''Oh my goodness Y/N! You're a goddess! Thank you!'' Sasha exclaimed with joy as you smiled lightly at the girl, the others rolled their eyes at Sasha's behavior and continued with their conversation. Finishing your lunch you sat there quietly, looking around the mess hall from boredom until you caught Levi's gaze, instantly turning away you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 'Holy fuck was he staring at me?' you think taking another glance to the raven-haired man who's eyes trailed over your form. 'Holy shit he's fucking checking me out! Heh..Such an ego boost from the captain~' you continued with your thinking unaware that a proud smirk had crept onto your face without you knowing.

You were staring down at the table in thought with a smirk plastered onto your lips, Armin looked at you in confusion before slightly nudging Mikasa's side and motioning to you. Raising an eyebrow the girl waved a hand in front of your face making you jump slightly, E/C orbs darting to the female who looked at you questioningly. ''What's up?'' you asked as she lightly shook her head ''you've been staring at the table for a while now, you've also been smirking at it'' she states plainly dodging Sasha's attempt of trying to steal her bread. ''O-Oh I was? Eh... Sorry.. I was just.. thinking'' you tell Mikasa who lets out a hum in acknowledgment.

''What were you thinking about Y/N?'' Armin puzzles as you shake your head ''nothing to worry about, just daydreaming'' you offer a grin to the blonde who smiles and nods. ''Daydreaming huh?'' Jean leans forward ever so slightly as you look to him in confusion ''yeah? what's wrong with it?'' you replied to the taller boy who wore a smug smirk on his lips. ''Daydreaming about what? Or... who?'' his smirk grew bigger seeing you flush a deep red. ''W-What!? Shut up Jean! Stop trying to cause a commotion!'' you shriek in terror as the light brown haired boy laughs at you.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I sit at the higher-up's table quietly while Hanji talks to Erwin about the two titans she has cooped up for experiments. Rolling my eyes at her annoyingly excited tone when she rambles about titans. ''Oh by the way! Erwin! Have you seen Y/N while she's training? She managed to take down Reiner in one go'' Hanji beamed to the blonde who quirked an eyebrow at her. ''Y/N? As in Y/N L/N? She took down Braun? Well.. I'm impressed, I must watch her train sometime'' Erwin says taking a sip of his drink, clicking my tongue I glance back over to Y/N who was talking to Mikasa and Eren.

''Oh Levi!'' Hanji's voice rings in my ears making me inwardly groan ''what?'' I turn to her as she smirks. ''You might want to be careful with Y/N, she might outpass you one day... You gotta be careful, she's a feisty one'' Hanji winked as I roll my eyes at her 'No way in hell would she ever out strengthen me, not even Mikasa can do it' I think taking a sip of my tea looking back to Y/N again. 

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