Levi x Traitor!Reader - I promise..

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They took Annie... How..? Why would she help Eren to try 'escape' anyway? It was a plan to capture her, but gotta give her credit she gave up a good fight and didn't let herself be handed over. It's only me, Reiner, Bertholdt and Ymir left... Last night was hectic titans broke through Wall Rose so everyone had to saddle up and look for any breaches, of course, there weren't any so we settled into a castle for the knight. You know the jazz, ended badly, Ymir changed to her titan form, scouts came and saved the day as usual what I didn't expect was Levi, he was there with them? Looks like he wasn't recovering for long.  Surprising thing is that I and the corporal have started dating 2-3 months ago,  the relationship is great he's actually a really caring guy. 

// Time skip to when everyone is on top of the wall \\

I stood next to Reiner, he was losing his cool and he was losing it very quickly which concerned me, Bertholdt looked on edge as well don't blame him we would have to switch at any second, take Eren and run at any point now. I looked back to Reiner and tuned into the conversation he was having with Eren ''you're just tired, that's it right? Help me out here Bertholdt, Y/N. Your nerves are shot you don't know what you're saying '' Eren said while placing a hand on Reiner's shoulder in comfort. I stared at them, a bead of sweat dripping down my face '' huh? Y-yeah... It's the battle fatigue talking! '' Bertholdt exclaimed '' Yeah... I guess we're just pretty tired we don't know what we are saying sorry Eren '' I glance to him giving a weary smile. Eren laughed lightly  '' hey it's okay, you're okay if you really were the armored titan what's the end game here? We wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place, what you expect me to do? say yes let myself be kidnapped just because you asked politely? '' Eren questioned, my eyes widened and I could feel my arms starting to shake. I gulped ''right not thinking straight am I..? barely know what I'm saying here... must of got off the deep end..'' I take a step forward towards Bertholdt and put a hand on his shoulder in reassurance to attempt to calm his worrying form. Eren began to walk away from us while saying quietly '' come on let's go ''. In that second he finished the wind picked up, snapping a flag in half I heard it fall down and clatter against the wall making me flinch. I finally noticed the entire group stopped in their tracks, looking back at us I saw Levi with an eyebrow raised at our behavior... ' Shit they are most likely onto us.. How can we get out now? We're gonna be tortured or easily killed at this rate! '  I thought as shivers went down my spine. The sun came out, I turned to Reiner..that expression on his face.. no.. we can't be doing this here and now!? We'll be slaughtered! '' Reiner..? '' I ask wearily '' a-are you okay..? '' I continued. ''That's the problem heh.. I've been here too long for my own good.. Three years of this madness... Surrounded by idiots. We were kids.. What did we know about anything? Why does there have to be people like this...? Why? Why did I let myself devolve into a half-assed piece of shit!? '' Reiner stated, Bertholdt looked mortified I was the same this could be the end of us for all we know! '' It's too late now! '' Reiner continued revealing his fake injury '' Damned if I know what's right anymore! Who cares? It is what it is no choice but to face what I've done! ''  I see the group of scouts turn around with horrified faces, a tear escapes as I see Levi preparing his blades at us. Reiner raises his steaming arm as it heals '' as a warrior! no road left but the one that leads to the end!! '' Reiner cried out, Eren's eyes were as wide as plates. '' Reiner right now!? Here!? We're doing this!? '' Bertholdt shrieked '' You can't be serious!? Right Reiner!? You can't be!? '' I yelled, completely terrified. ''Yes.. Right here right now! Let's settle this once and for all! '' Reiner yelled at us, marching over to Eren only to be disturbed by Mikasa shoving her blade into Reiner's arm, she was too fast, she made her way to Bertholdt and sliced his neck open before getting on him '' Eren get out of here!! '' She screamed to him before she could take Bertholdt's head I shoved her off of him, having her blade slice a long wound on my arm. 

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