Levi x Traitor!Reader ~ Court

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Request: Heya! Could I get a levi x reader where the reader is brought to court for becoming a traitor to humanity and she's sentenced to death? Lov u

Warning: Cursing

I kinda changed up the story here so it won't all be angsty


Your identity was found out, you were the second female titan. Responsible for the death of many soldiers and civilians and the attempt of capturing Eren and today you were brought into court to see what your fate would be, most likely death but you hoped otherwise. You didn't have a choice of being a traitor to humanity, if you didn't agree to Reiner and Bertholdt they'd kill you just like Marco, nobody knew how he died and you sure didn't want to end up like him. You and Levi were lovers for nearly two years and when he found out you couldn't look him in the eye for days, yet you told him everything you knew, not knowing if he believed you or not would it matter if he didn't since you were basically going to be killed anyway?

Wearing a white shirt and some pants you were brought into the large courtroom, the same one Eren was in when the government found out he was a titan-shifter. To the sidelines stood the Scouts and the Military Police, some Garrison soldiers were there as well like Pyxis and Rico and this made you even more anxious.

Feeling a rough gun nudge you forward you glared over your shoulder to the MP's ''move it you beast!'' one of them seethed. Your hands were cuffed together behind your back, the two soldiers escorted you to the center of the court grumbling insults to you. Arriving at the center of the court your anxious E/C orbs met distant grey ones, biting your quivering lower lip you let the two MP's basically shove you to your knees and proceed to slide a metal pole down onto your chains making you stuck to the ground.

Silence filled the room as faint whispers were heard some corners of the room, the feeling of multiple types of eyes burning into your skull made your heart pound against your ribcage. You noticed Eren, Mikasa, and Armin standing next to Erwin and Levi which made you feel sick to the bottom of your stomach, reverting your eyes to the tiled floor you tried to ease your nerves.

A few seconds later you heard a door open, gazing up you watched as Zachary walked in shutting the door behind him and proceeded to sit down in the large chair for him on the stand. ''Alright, we shall begin..'' Zachary muttered picking up a page and holding it up for him to read, you watched him look over the page for a few seconds before glancing to you. ''Your name is Y/N L/N and as a soldier, you have sworn to give up your life when called to for the good of the people.... Is that correct?'' Zachary said as you shifted slightly to get comfortable ''yes..'' you said loud enough for him to hear. ''As an enlisted soldier, you have been identified and exposed as one of the two female titans that have betrayed humanity and killed many....is that also correct Ms. L/N?'' he continued, forcing back a sob you nodded painfully. ''Yes sir..'' you answered, Zachary placed back down the page, crossing his arms he looked down to you. ''As the Commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion on whether you live, or die'' Zachary said watching you avert your gaze to the ground.

''Any objections?'' he asked, shaking your head no he continued. ''From what I have heard, your fate would be decided on whether you live or die by the Scout Regiment or the Military Police. To begin, the Military Police will now present their case'' Zachary motioned for Nile to begin. ''Thank you, my name is Nile Dok I am the commander of the Military Police! Our recommendation following an examination of her history and records, subject Y/N L/N should be disposed of immediately'' Nile gazed to you as you stared at him wide-eyed like a deer caught in headlights. ''We acknowledged that L/N's actions have caused many deaths and destruction such as Stohess, Trost and the 57th Expedition of the Scouts... She would need to be severely punished for the agony and death she caused to hundreds thus then she will be hung in public when she's on the brink of death'' Nile said as venom dripped from his words, you gulped in horror as you paled 'What!? He's going to fucking torture me before he kills!? He's crazy! A sadist!' you frantically thought.

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