Dad!Levi x Child!Reader ~ Cursing

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Request: Imagine levi's daughter saying some bad words for the first time and levi goes around asking who has taught his daughter such foul language but then erwin makes him realize that it was levi himself

Warnings: Cursing

I added some fluff cuz y not ykno lol


You sat on the chair in front of your father's desk watching him do paperwork, a frown appearing on his face every now and then. You hummed quietly looking over his features, raven hair, short, cold grey eyes. Silence filled the office as you continued to watch Levi ''dad?'' you asked earning a grunt from the male.

''What does bitch mean?'' you smiled innocently as you watched Levi snap his head up to face you, he looked slightly mortified to say the least ''where did you hear that? Who did you hear that from?'' he asked putting his quill down into the ink jar. You shrugged your shoulders making the older man sigh ''come on it's dinner time Y/N'' he stood up and held out his hand for you to take, which you happily did.

Levi left you to eat with the 104th cadets since you got on well with them, sitting down where he usually sits he instantly glared daggers at Hanji who ate happily. ''Hm? What is it shorty?'' She puzzled, Levi clicked his tongue ''have you been teaching my daughter to curse shitty glasses?'' Levi squinted his eyes at the hazel eyed woman. She shook her head no in confusion and continued to eat.

// Time Skip \

By now Levi had nearly asked everyone the exact same question 'have you been teaching my daughter to curse?' over and over again but he didn't give a fuck, he was bound on finding out who was teaching his princess curse words.

Everyone gave him concerned and confused looks saying no and asking why he's asking people in the first place.

The last person he was to interrogate was..


Levi marched down the hallway to the Commander's office before walking in without a care in the world. Erwin was standing looking out his window with his arms crossed and saw Levi in the reflection, he turned around to the short grumpy man that held a scowl on his face. ''What is it Levi?'' Erwin asked before looking out the window again ''have you been teachi-'' Levi started but was cut off by Erwin ''No I haven't been teaching you're daughter curse words Levi, you do realize you swear a lot in front of her don't you? Nobody else does so we both know the culprit'' Erwin chuckled as silence clouded the atmosphere.

Levi cringed from realization, Erwin was right he did swear and use profanities a lot in the presence of Y/N so he was the one to blame. ''O-oh shit..'' He whispered Erwin sat down at his desk smirking ''you should go and try to get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day'' Levi nodded quietly before leaving Erwin's office.

Once he arrived back inside his own office, the first thing he saw was his daughter Y/N sitting in his large leather chair leaning onto his desk coloring profusely with a concentrated face mumbling ''It has to be good for dad..'' over and over again. Levi's expression softened seeing you work hard on a drawing for him before he playfully knocked on the door to his office smiling in at you.

You looked up and smiled at your father before grinning ''name and business'' you couldn't help but giggle making Levi chuckle and play along with your little game ''u-uh corporal I came to tell you a little secret'' Levi said slowly moving into the room smirking. ''Oh well you're already in cadet what is it'' you snicker crossing your little arms after placing the crayon down.

''O-oh it's just'' Levi started as he arrived at the desk ''the tickle monster!'' he growled softly as he appeared by your side tickling you. You thrashed around bursting into laughter when you started getting tickled by your father begging for mercy.

When Levi finally stopped he knelt down beside you and picked up the drawing you made for him, a stickman drawing of you beside him holding hands, writing on the top of the page saying ' dad beat the monsters! ' Levi smiled gently at the drawing before kissing your forehead and picking you up. ''Come on princess.. It's bedtime'' he said as you were carried into his bedroom.

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