Dad!Levi x Mom!Reader ~ Run

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Warning: Cursing, Violence

Summary: The Inner MP's are out to get you and your family, but you manage to escape and meet up with Levi and the others

A/N: I'm really excited for Aot this year I got a feeling it's going to be l i t xD Season 3 kinda inspired me to write this soooo... Enjoy!


Earlier today you were handed a leaflet whilst out shopping for your two children and it sent terror and fear through every bit of your being.

The Survey Corps was being hunted by the Military Police and Government, and it said how Erwin was planned on being executed publicly for anyone who wanted to watch. Of course you knew there was some drama going on within the Regiments and the king but you didn't know it would escalate this far. What shook you most was that every member of the Scouts was being hunted and once they were captured they would eventually be hung after Erwin.

Every member.

This included your husband Levi Ackerman.

He and the others were considered criminals so they were on the run, of course you couldn't see Levi for a while because he didn't dare want to endanger his family and drag them into the civil war and possibly get you all killed in the process.

You weren't a member of the Scouts anymore due to being pregnant on your first child 4 years ago so you were sure you were off the list of the people 'wanted'. But you couldn't help but worry for your husband and your friends, you hoped they would all make it out alive.

You weren't a fan of the Military Police to begin with, in fact the only person you could get along with from the Regiment was the Commander, Nile. He was a decent guy but every soldier after him made you want to vomit.

You knew the Inner MP's weren't after you or your children but something kept itching at you to run and hide, dismissing the thoughts every time but how you wished you didn't.

And here you were now..

// First Person \

I ran as fast as I could, gripping onto both my daughters' hands, Rose and Isabelle. Their little legs running as fast as they could with fear playing on their face. We were out shopping for some groceries and to see if there was any news about the Scouts, fortunately, no other scout has been captured which was good. Yet, we came back to our cozy little home on fire and being destroyed by a bunch of Inner MP's, swiftly turning away I held on tightly to my daughters' hands and ran. Though my luck was against me as I heard masculine shouts and yells coming from behind me, looking over my shoulder I saw three of them chasing us with guns.

Swiftly turning a corner I dived into an alleyway before sprinting out the far end and continued running. If it had to come down to it I would lay down my life to protect my two precious girls if there was no other way.

Dashing through the streets I tried my best to ignore the shouts and curses the MP's directed to us. "Mommy! Why are they after us! We did nothing wrong!" Rose said forcing a brave face yet she was trembling on the inside, panting I glanced down to my youngest "don't worry you two! We'll lose them eventually you just have to keep running and stay with me" I mustered a small smile down to each of them. "They're the pigs you and dad bitch about.. we can fight them" Isabelle, my oldest stated making me violently shake my head "no you will not young lady! You hear me! Keep running!" I scolded her turning another corner and continued sprinting down another street.

I was too lost in thought until I immediately skidded to a stop, a river in front of us where each wall and district used for transport and fishing. Gulping I quickly looked around hoping for any way to escape, turning around the MP's finally caught up before they began to pant like dogs. Scurrying the two girls behind me protectively I glared at the pigs "what do you want? Why did you destroy our home!" I shouted to the three men who only laughed in response. "We came to take you in, even though you haven't been involved with the Military for a few years but oh well! Isn't your luck just bad?" one of them mocked before chuckling cocking up their guns to us making me go pale and try to shield my children as much as possible.

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