Levi x Tired!Reader ~ Insomnia

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Request: Hi, can I request a scenario in which the reader is worried about Levi because of his insomnia, but he's stubborn so she refuses to go to bed until he does. The fluffier the better.

Warning: None


Every night you'd fall asleep most likely by yourself, Levi would be in his office and you would be asleep in his bedroom connected to his office. He'd most likely be reading or finishing some work that Erwin gave him earlier that day.

It was currently 12:07 in the night and I sat opposite Levi as he read a novel I got him a few days ago, I were sketching a little dog out of boredom. Hearing Levi sigh I flick my E/C orbs to the raven-haired man, Levi looked at me quirking a thin eyebrow ''not going to bed?'' he asked, shrugging I glimpse back down to the drawing on my lap. ''Nah.. I'm gonna stay up with you!'' I chirp as Levi scowls rolling his eyes ''no you're not Y/N, you know I can be able to stay up at ungodly hours of the morning, get to bed'' Levi said as I shake my head. ''It doesn't matter if you stay up at the early hours of the morning, I'm not going to sleep and leave you by yourself'' I say with a hint of concern in my voice ''Y/N are you disobeying your superior?'' Levi says in a stern voice, crossing his arms and leaning forward ever so slightly towards me.

Perching an eyebrow I sit up as well and lean forward towards him as well, a bold smirk toying at my lips as Levi frowns ''Y/N tell me again why you want to stay up with me again?'' Levi watches me, cold grey orbs piercing into my own E/C ones. ''One, because I don't like the fact of you being up by yourself while I'm off at dreamland.. Two, I refuse to go near a bed until you are going to join me, you not getting enough sleep worries me Levi and if it comes to it, I'll literally drag you to the bed and tie you down to it'' I snicker at the last part as Levi's gaze softens. ''You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine, now.. Get into that bedroom'' Levi replies pointing into the bedroom giving me a slight glare.

Leaning back in my chair I rest both my hands behind my head, a smug smirk visible on my lips as I completely ignore him.

// Time Skip - 3am \

Levi had just finished paperwork, I was sitting in the same seat as before. My eyes becoming to get sore from not getting rest. I could feel the energy slowly disappear from my system as I resting my chin on the palm of my hand watching the lit candle flicker with life.

''You look like you're going to pass out any second now'' Levi commented as I lazily floated my gaze to him. ''What are you on about? I'm fine'' I yawn as he shakes his head. ''Tch you're one stubborn woman aren't you?'' Levi said standing up, watching him with a dazed expression I yawn again. ''No I'm not, I'm just simply staying up with my lover'' I explain in a bored tone as I feel Levi wrap his arms from underneath mine and lift me up to my feet.

''We're going to bed, let's go'' he mutters bringing us both into his bedroom since I was already in my nightwear so I just flopped onto the bed before sloppily getting under the covers. Soon enough after getting his straps and boots off Levi climbed in next to me underneath the covers, wrapping his arms around me and bringing me closer to his chest I smiled happily to him before pecking his lips.

''Goodnight Levi''

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