Levi x Humanities Strongest!Reader ~ Newbie

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Request: Hi! could I request a oneshot of Levi falling in love with a (female) captain of the scouts after he joins? she is considered to be humanities strongest soldier. thank you

Warning: Cursing


Hanji led the new trio that they've recently taken from the Underground around the HQ, rambling on about stuff to do with the building and the soldiers. "Oh! Hanji! I heard theres a girl known as 'Humanities Strongest' can we go see her?" Isabel chriped happily as Hanji nodded, Farlan seemed interested to meet this 'Humanities Strongest' while Levi just clicked his tongue in annoyance. They were here to kill Erwin Smith but if they had to they would kill the person who they were being led to.


Sitting at your desk you sat quietly reading until a loud enthusiastic knock echoed from the door, sighing you knew exactly who it was. Placing your book in a drawer underneath your desk you clasped your hands in front of you. "Come in!" you called out to Hanji, the door swung open and Hanji cruised on in before shutting the door behind the three.

Raising an eyebrow you stood up, walking around your desk you leant against it. "What do we have here Hanji?" you asked looking over the three new faces. "Oh these three are the criminals we caught from the Underground! Isabel here wanted to meet you" Hanji said as you looked to the red haired girl who stared at you in awe. "Well, nice to meet you...?" you said holding out your hand to the girl who excitedly shoke it "Isabel! My name's Isabel! That's Farlan and then that's big bro! Levi!" you looked over their features and you swore you never laid eyes on a more good looking man than that Levi guy. Gorgeous raven hair in a perfect undercut, cold grey eyes that could reel any woman or man in, he seemed almost too perfect to be real to you.

"So you're Humanities Strongest? How strong exactly?" Farlan pipes up hoping to be impressed "well.. People compare my strength to an entire brigades, how would 57 solo titan kills and 24 assists look?" you smirked seeing Farlans face drop from shock. "W-Woah... That's impressive" he smiles as you hear Levi click his tongue, rolling his gorgeous orbs as Isabel had to slightly nudge you to get your attention.

"Well you four seem to be getting along fine, now, Y/N you mind if I left them under your motherly care while I go attend paperwork?" Hanji asked doing the puppy eyes, rolling my own I nod shooing her out of the office.

// Time Skip - 4 Months Later \

It had been four months since Isabel and Farlan died, you couldn't help but feel bad for Levi since he's the only one left out of the three. He was currently sitting by himself in the mess hall, sighing you got your tray leaving the higher-ups table ignoring the questions you were being asked and travelled to Levi.

Arriving at his table you placed your tray down and sat across from him, Levi glanced up seeing it was you who joined him and quickly looked back down to his own tray of food, nibbling on the bread. "Are you alright? You know Levi.. if anything is wrong you can come and talk to me at any time" you send a gentle smile as he nods quietly. "So this is what it's like in the survey corps... Watch everyone die around you.." he muttered frowning, shaking your head you took a bite out of your bread "their deaths won't be in vain, we will eliminate every titan, then... All those fallen soldiers can rest peacefully" your voice is soothing, exactly like a mothers voice.

You and Levi began to talk about random stuff, you even managed to make him chuckle once or twice which made you feel.... Warm? You didn't know what but you felt like when talking to Levi you have nothing to worry about, no titans... no deaths, no nothing. Like the world couldn't get better all because of one man.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I kept my head hung low to avoid showing my intense red cheeks. 'What the fuck is she doing to me?' I thought "One day I remember I got so frustrated at Erwin I tried insulting him by calling him Commander Eyebrows, it was the most embarrassing thing ever" Y/N laughs lightly at the memory, her laugh sounds like music to my ears. I tried to stop a smile which threatened to show because of her adorable little laugh but I suppressed it, clicking my tongue I finally rise my head to look at her.

"I'd call him Shitty Eyebrows if it were up to me" I grumble as she giggles at my response. "Awh boy, Levi you're funny you know that?" she smiles to me making a light pink hue dust my cheeks, shrugging I cross my arms looking at her.

"Y/N?" I say gaining her attention almost immediately, humming she lets me know I have her attention. "W-Want to uh... Go out s-sometime? L-Like a shitty date?" I mentally scold myself for stuttering, Y/N's face lights up as she grins. "Of course Levi! I'd happily go on a 'shitty date' with you" she agrees making my heart thump in my chest. "I'll pick you up at seven... Don't be late brat" I tell her, picking up my tray and walking off finished with my dinner.

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