Levi x Cadet!Reader ~ Mysterious

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Request: Imagine Levi and (y/n) spending a heated night together and in the morning Hange barges in unannounced to see Levi half naked with a girl still sleeping in his bed and now it's the talk of the entire camp to figure out who the "mystery girl" is (cuz Hange didn't see her face before getting thrown out)

I don't know why but I've been excited to write this lmao

Warnings: Cursing


// Levi's P.O.V \

I lay in bed silently admiring Y/N's features, the bed sheets covering us both as I perch up using my elbow looking down to her quietly sleeping. Seconds later the door burst open and Hanji came flying in like a madwoman ''LEVI WHERE WERE YOU YOU MISSED OUT ON TRAINING AND BREAKFAST AND ERWIN IS WONDERING- Wait..'' Hanji stopped herself before squealing loudly like an enormous child ''Who's asleep beside you!-'' She tried. ''Hanji get the fuck out!'' I snarled to her angrily making her run out shutting the door behind her. I continue to frown at the door, agitated from shitty-glasses barging in like she owns the place.

I sigh softly and lay back down beside Y/N slowly dozing back off to sleep.

// Your P.O.V \

I wake up slowly opening my eyes looking around lazily before my eyes land on Levi sitting on the end of the bed putting his boots on. I yawn tiredly watching him with E/C eyes, Levi hears my yawn and turns around looking over his shoulder to me smiling lightly. He stands up after putting his boots on and leaned over kissing my forehead ''you're clothes are on the chair, get a shower then meet me at the training grounds'', I nodded sitting up and pecked his nose before he left the room quietly.

Not long after I groaned from boredom, swinging my leg out of the bed I groaned again 'effort of getting out of this extremely comfortable bed... bloody hell someone have mercy for me please..' I mentally whine as I swing the other leg out forcing myself to get out I slide out onto the floor with a thud. I sigh before getting up and heading into the bathroom for a shower then to get changed.

// Time Skip \

I arrive at the training grounds seeing my friends chat and whisper like a small group of schoolgirls telling each other their crushes, Ymir notices my form approaching and calls out to me ''Hey Y/N where were you last night! Did you hear Hanji found someone in the Corporal's bed! We don't know who but someone got action huh?'' she joked as I arrived, I gulped lightly. 'Wait, Hanji saw me!? And it spread around camp like wildfire!!? Oh my god..' I panic mentally ''I never heard anything about it? Did it only start this morning?'' I ask pretending to be puzzled, Sasha nods viciously ''Yeah! We're going to find out who!'' she exclaims ''you still didn't answer my question Y/N, where were you? You didn't appear once in the girls dorm at all last night? Something you keeping from us..'' Ymir squints her eyes at me.

I shake my head anxiously ''nono, what the hell are you thinking about Ymir? Corporal ordered me to clean his office for the entire night I got literally no sleep'' you lied motioning to Levi who was talking to Erwin.

''That runt made you clean his office without letting you sleep?'' Mikasa seethes at the thought of Levi doing that, I nervously nod towards the raven-haired female. ''Oh my! Y/N you poor thing! You shouldn't be here then you should be getting some sleep before something happens to you!'' Christa squeaks. I fidget with the hem of my sleeve, my heart thumping in my chest from me becoming too nervous I silently nodding before excusing myself and head towards Hanji, Levi, and Erwin.

I feel the group's eyes bore into my back as I walk away from them, keeping my eyes fixated onto the ground whilst I attempt to calm my breathing. I look up slightly seeing the trio ahead stand there talking before Hanji notices my uncomfortable form approaching them staring at the ground while gripping the hem of my sleeve. ''Hey Y/N!- Y/N? What's wrong?'' Hanji asks worriedly as she walks towards me putting her hands on my shoulders looking down to me with worry written across her face. ''I-I don't feel okay.. Is it alright i-if I take the day off?'' I stutter looking up to her, Hanji smiles softly wrapping an arm around me while walking me towards Erwin and Levi who watched my distressed state.

''Erwin is it alright if Y/N takes the day off, she's not feeling okay you can even see her skin has paled dramatically'' Hanji explains, Erwin nods slightly concerned telling me to stay in bed for the day. Levi watches me carefully, I slowly walk away with Hanji helping me.

Dots start to slowly fill my vision as a wave of drowsy-ness goes over me, the next second I felt my knees give out on me blacking out before I hit the ground hearing muffled voices call my name.

// Levi's P.O.V \

I watch Y/N walk away with Hanji, keeping my eyes fixated on her figure I notice her start to wobble slightly before her knees buckle and she falls to the dusty ground. ''Oh my walls! Y/N!'' Hanji screeches kneeling down beside her, I appear opposide Hanji nudging and shaking Y/N's shoulder, earning no response.

// Your P.O.V \

I groan as my head thumps with pain, opening my eyes I notice I'm in the girl's dorm room, my friends laying and sitting together talking quietly. Christa notices me waking up and kneels beside my bed ''how are you Y/N? you hungry?'' she asks softly, I nod my head in pain. ''You took a pretty bad hit, you scratched your head pretty bad on a little stone'' Sasha mumbles putting food on a table beside me. ''Yeah and you would want to see shorty almost having a heart attack!'' Ymir cackles '' 'Oh my god! Y/N wake up! Brat!' 'Wake up Y/N or I swear!' '' Ymir impersonates Levi while attempting to suppress her chuckles. I giggle lightly before sitting up and eating the food that was left next to me ''thanks guys'' I smile towards them despite my bandaged forehead.

// Time Skip \

It's been two days since I blacked out, the doctor saying it was from some sort of flu which made me relieved. I walked through the corridors, the bandage still wrapped around my forehead as I enter Levi's office.

He looks up from his paperwork and smiles at me ''how's the head holding up?'' he asks finishing the last page before motioning for me to sit in front of him. ''Eh.. it could be better yknow'' I say as I sit down relaxing in the chair opposite his. ''At least it's healing hm?'' Levi says standing up and walking behind me placing his hands on my shoulders and giving them a nice massage.

''Levi you're the best'' I feel myself become drowsy while hearing him chuckle from behind me ''you seem tired, why don't we go to my room?'' He suggests, I nod my head standing up and following him to his bedroom.

''By the way, everyone knows it was you who Hanji saw in my bed the other day so don't worry''


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