Levi x Reader ~ Children

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Request: So what if reader and levi are in a relationship and its abt 5 years since they won against the titans (they've been together for at least those 5 years) how would levi react to the reader telling him they want kids? They dont care if the kids are theirs or not (adoption) the reader just wants kids.

Sorry this is so short >,<

Warning: None


It's been five years since the Titans have been exterminated from the face of the planet. Humanity was at peace finally, the walls were still standing and most of the population has moved out of them to little towns and villages past Wall Maria, the Scouts had been given large amounts of praise and thanks for their service towards humanity.

The Scouts have been given the chance to leave the Military at any time if they wanted to return to their families and loved ones, of course, Levi remained in the Scouts even when there were no titans to be killed. Most of your friends have stayed as well, some higher-ups left to live the rest of their lives peacefully. You remained as well since the Military was basically your home and because Levi was there so it was a win-win.

// First Person \

Strolling through the training field I quietly hummed to myself, a certain subject had been on my mind for a while now and I should probably talk to Levi about it as well. Even though both me and Levi were still in the Military, my family had gotten us a small house for when we leave the military. The house was in Wall Rose in a small village by a river also it was the same village where my family lives. Kicking my heel against the dirt ground I was attempting to fumble and think of how I should bring the topic up about children to Levi.

Yes you heard me


Subconsciously sauntering into the HQ I continued to hum to myself until I walked straight into a wall, groaning I step back a little holding my face in pain. Shaking off the feeling I click my tongue and head to Levi's office where he'd either be doing work or resting. Reaching his office I walk in casually like I always do, quietly shutting the door behind me, lifting his head from the book he was reading he perked a brow. ''What's wrong?'' Levi's voice bounced back and forth off the clean walls as I shrug ''nothing... Just wanted to talk to you about something..'' I responded leaning against his desk as he looked to me in slight concern.

''You want to leave the Scouts? It's fine I'll do up a few papers for you-'' I shook my head making Levi stop his sentence as he gave me a confused. ''Then what is it?'' Levi was puzzled as I snickered lightly ''have you ever thought about kids?'' I ask him as he sits back shaking his head quietly. ''Well the topic has been on my mind for a while now... So I was just wondering if you were ever you know.. Thinking about children... Since I.. Want one or two, I don't care if they're adopted or not I just want kids'' I explain as Levi's gunmetal orbs drift from my body over to the window. ''If we do have children then we would have to leave the military..'' Levi muttered obviously thinking about it. ''I mean if you don't want kids that's alright, I was just saying..'' I fidget with my sleeve as Levi flicks his gaze back to me.

''We have a house right? I see no problem in having children'' hearing this come from made me ecstatic, pulling him into a hug I squeal from excitement. ''Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Levi!'' I grin peppering his face with kisses.

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