SlightlyJealous!Levi x Reader ~ Cinderella

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Warning: Cursing

Summary: Levi gets slightly protective/ Jealous of you and Connie messing around


You swept the stone hallways, a white cloth covering your nose and mouth to protect you from dust that would cause you to sneeze. ''Hey Y/N'' Connie said walking over with a bucket filled with soapy water and a sponge ''Hey Connie'' you greet him looking behind him you see Levi, your lover following the teen. ''hi captain coming to check up on the work?'' you asked the male, silently nodding Levi traced his fingers along the window sill lifting them to his half covered face he frowned and looked to you ''Y/N did you not clean here? Or did you just do a half-assed job?'' Levi watched you whilst squinting his eyes, leaning against the broom you raised an eyebrow ''I was gonna get started on the window sills after I finished sweeping'' you state plainly looking over his features, Levi wore his cleaning outfit which consisted of a white cloth covering most of his face, one on his head protecting his raven hair as some locks freely fell in front of his eyes. He wore his usual uniform without the jacket. ''I'll do the window sills, you finish up sweeping'' your boyfriend ordered, nodding you continued on sweeping as silence filled the area.

Connie was down on his hands and knees scrubbing away at the lower wall slowly making his way upwards ''chop chop Connie! theses walls ain't gonna scrub themselves'' you snicker playfully to the boy who smirked in return, looking over his shoulder to you he raised an eyebrow ''keep sweeping Cinderella you don't want to get locked up in your room now do you?'' He smirked as you dramatically placed the back of your hand against your forehead pretending to nearly faint ''oh no! whatever shall I do! '' you say to him earning a chuckle. Levi stood there cleaning the window sill listening to you talk to your friend. ''Y/N that's your new nickname from now on, Cinderella hm?'' Connie commented grinning as he began working up the wall more. ''Whatever you say Connie but then your new nickname will be... hmmm..'' You thought as you started to finish up your sweeping.

''Little Red Riding hood'' you burst out laughing, Connie shrugged his shoulders ''why that?'' he asked making you snicker ''Sasha is the big bad hungry wolf that wants to eat you'' you answer grinning to him. ''Yeah whatever you say princess'' Connie teased. Levi tensed at the sound of the nickname 'they're only messing around for fuck sake calm down..' he thought to himself as he angrily cleaned the window sill. Levi peered over his shoulder to you, immediately catching your eye you wiggled your eyebrows at him, rolling his eyes he returned his gaze back to the piece of stone in front of him.

''Tch do you two ever stop chatting? God.. you could start a talk show at this rate'' Levi groaned making you giggle lightly ''what's wrong Levi? I bet you're jealous because you haven't gotten a nickname yet right?'' you ask him, Levi shakes his head no. ''Why would I want a fucking nickname?'' he sneered causing you to shrug. ''Captain I'm finished'' Connie perks up, Levi sighed before walking over to the wall placing a gentle finger on it he ran it over the stone before inspecting it. ''Good work Springer, now, help Reiner and the others'' Levi told him, nodding Connie grabbed his bucket and set off ''Cya at dinner Y/N!'' he called out waving to you before disappearing down the hallway.

Levi froze, dinner...? Frowning he watched you collect the dirt quietly humming ''what does he mean by dinner Y/N?'' Levi crosses his arms leaning against the wall ''what do you mean? it's only dinner'' you say to him confused ''a dinner date? Y/N I hope you didn't forget your fucking dating me'' Levi growls, you begin to laugh ''Oh Levi! Connie meant dinner as in dinner time for everyone not a dinner date!'' you laugh, by now Levi had pulled down the cloth that covered his face as a deep blush covered his cheeks in embarrassment ''o-oh.. fuck..'' he said looking to the ground. Stifling a laugh you approached your lover and placed a gentle kiss to his lips ''I'd never leave you for anyone so there's no need to worry'' you smile as he hesitantly nods.

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