Levi x Queen!Reader ~ Your Majesty

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Reader is queen now instead of Historia

Summary: Yeah yknow the scene where Historia punches Levi in the shoulder, well replace her with you, and instead of hitting him you kiss him in front of your friends

Warnings: None


You knelt down on the large stand, surrounded by higher-ups, chiefs and Commander Erwin. Your friends were down below in the crowd along with Section-Commander Hanji and Levi, you wore a white gown along with a large red cape. Your hair tied up into a beautiful bun whilst little ringlets fell down.

Tenderly kneeling over you soon felt a weight of the crown being put onto your head as the crowd erupted in cheers. You smiled softly as Erwin helped you up to your feet, overlooking the crowd you gave them a proud salute as a smile danced across your lips. ''WOAH GO Y/N!'' you could hear Eren in the distance, your eyes following where the voice came from you saw all your friends smiling while waving rapidly getting your attention. Standing beside them was Levi who had his arms crossed, once his eyes met yours his gaze melted ever so slightly as he nodded making you beam and look towards the civilians and MP's looking up to you.

''LONG LIVE THE TRUE RULER OF THE WALLS!'' you hear someone call out making you giggle ''LONG LIVE QUEEN Y/N!'' a choir of people cheered. Standing near the edge you let your hand fall back to your side as you grinned down to the MP'S and civilians.

// Time Skip \

Walking down the hallway with your hair let down you walked alongside your friends. ''Wait.. y-your actually doing it for real?'' Eren asked tensely ''yeah I am'' you said confidently ''c-come on it was just a joke'' Eren stuttered nervously looking back to Mikasa. She wore a plain expression ''After you smacked him you should tell him this; ' I dare you to hit me back' '' She spoke looking towards me ''real helpful'' Eren grumbled. ''It's just a grudge let it go'' Eren whined to me, ''if I can't even do this how can I even call myself a queen?'' I look at him raising an eyebrow. Jean leans over ''that's the spirit pound that runt!'' he supports.

Truth is, I have them tricked I'm going to hit Levi but really... I'm going to kiss him, he wouldn't shove me to the ground or hurt me knowing I was the queen after all but I think it's time to tell him how I felt.

And this is how I'll do it.

Noticing Levi ahead standing against the wall whilst the sun shone down onto him like he were some angel. He wore a Scouting trench coat just like your friends which made you bite back a smile.

Watching him step forward quietly, you continued walking while your friends stopped a couple of seconds before you. Gulping from the nervousness, you stepped closer to him seeing him look down at you. ''Sorry sir..'' you mumbled before gently taking his cravat pulling his face down to yours, your lips met his halfway as you closed your eyes, Levi was startled but eventually melted into the kiss. Closing his eyes he placed a soothing hand on your hip while you softly placed yours at the back of his head.

You heard your friends gasp from behind you, then some murmuring before you pulled away from the taller gentleman. Levi gave you a loving smile before planting a kiss to your forehead. Turning around to view your friends you weren't surprised by their shocked faces, Jean had a tinge of pink on his cheeks while Armin smiled at you two. ''Sorry for fooling you guys, I really didn't want to hit the Captain'' you squeaked ''It's fine Y/N! At least we didn't force you into something you didn't want right?'' Armin mentioned you nodded at the blonde before looking over your shoulder at Levi.

''No need to treat me like I'm superior anymore Y/N, you're in charge now'' he chuckled making everyone's eyes go wide including your own ''Thanks for that though, I needed it'' Levi finished. ''Oh! I forgot! The feast is about to start! Come on guys!'' Sasha piped before dashing off down the corridor leaving you all there, soon the others followed leaving you and your Captain there alone.

''So you want to be in a relationship with me hm? Your majesty'' Levi asked you nodded fiddling with the hem of your sleeve ''I do but do you?'' you questioned nervously, Levi tittered ''I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't Y/N'' you laughed lightly ''oh yeah whoops heh... Wanna go get some food?'' you glimpsed down the empty hallway, Levi nodded taking your hand in his as you both made your way to the dining area.

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