Dad!Levi x Teen!Reader

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Warnings: Slight cursing


I galloped to the HQ of the Survey Corps on my horse, seeing the building get bigger and bigger as I get closer, it didn't take long for me to arrive and put my horse in the stables.

It's been years since I last visited this place, being 15 now my dad was beginning to see me less and less so I decided I should go to him. Hanji kept in contact with me though, sometimes we would even meet up to go for a bit of lunch or shopping. As I made my way towards the large wooden doors of the entrance I hear voices from inside, only one or two while I don't hesitate to open one of the doors and stroll inside seeing Hanji speaking with Moblit. Hanji spots me, she grins widely charging over to me and began to hug me making me chuckle slightly as I awkwardly hug her back "oh sweet walls Y/N it's been so long! Me and Moblit were just about to go experimenting! Do you want to come hm? We can catch up~!" Hanji sung playfully, I shrugged "wheres my dad at?" I ask looking around "oh! Shorty has gone out to train with the cadets in the forest! This gives us time to catch up! What do ya say Y/N?" Hanji asked again, I clicked my tongue and nodded causing her to wrap an arm around my neck, bending down to my small figure "you wont regret this Y/N! This is going to be fun!" Hanji cheered while Moblit walked silently behind us as we went to the lab.

// Time Skip \

I sat at Hanji's desk with her filling out paperwork from the experiment we did a couple of hours ago. "Do you have to do this with every experiment?" I groaned making her laugh lightly "yep! Just so we can show Erwin what we are up to" Hanji smiled before going back to scribbling words onto pages. I placed mine in a neat pile at the side of her desk as we sat in silence.

"Y/N?" Hanji breaks the silence, I look towards her seeing her softened expression makin me raise an eyebrow at her behaviour change. "I'm sorry Levi didn't visit you that much after you came here as a child, I can promise you even though he never went to see you I can tell he still loves you.." This made me bite the inside of my mouth looking down to the ground, one arm resting on the desk "I remember telling him about a father-daughter dance that were to happen in school years ago.. I thought he would go but instead for the entire time I sat on the sidelines watching my friends have fun.." I mumbled to her "He's missed out on so much things in my life Hanji" The woman took off her jacket and walked over to me kneeling in front of me before she hugged me. I sat there lightly wrapping my arms around her staring off into space.

The door opened without warning as we both snap our heads towards it seeing Eren walk in followed by Levi. "Oi four-eyes who's that-" I could hear Levi's breath hitch in his throat as I look at him plainly "oh hey Y/N you sure did grow up huh?" Eren smiled fixing some-what of the tension. I turn to look at the ground again as Levi continues to stare at me "hi dad.." I spoke softly as if I were speaking to a newborn baby "Y/N how do you keep getting here..?" Levi asked slowly making his way over to my smaller form, Hanji excused herself bringing Eren with her. As they left the room Levi appeared in front of me looking down at me "I came to see you since I thought you gave up on me" I admit looking up to my father's face as Levi kneels down in front of me "I didn't forget about you dammit I never had time to visit you, Eyebrows sent us on multiple Expeditions and paperwork is a pain in the ass" Levi reassured "how could I forget my precious girl..?" He continued resting his hand on my knee.

"I missed you so much.. F/N's family and me were almost sent to the underground because they paid taxes late" I pull him into a hug which he quickly returns. "Don't worry now I'll make sure I'll be here with you unlike I was in the past few years" Levi clicked his tongue.

"alright dad"

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