Levi x Strong!Kid!Reader ~ Horse Face

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Request: could you do a scenario where levi's 5 year old beat jean's ass then eren's starts laughing and she beats eren's ass too so now everyone is frightened of levi's daughter

Warnings: None


You stood beside your father, Hanji and the Commander as the four of you watched the cadets train. You were too lost in thought watching Mikasa's amazing skills that you didn't notice Armin calling your name. ''Hey Y/N!'' You looked over to the blonde boy and gave him a sweet smile ''what's up Armin'' you asked ''want to practice some little training? Nothing too serious'' Armin asked gently, you looked up to your father who was talking to Hanji. Shrugging, you left the trio and let your 5-year-old legs carry you to your close friend.

''Oh come on Armin are you that scared to fight us so you ask a 5-year-old?'' Jean holler with a smirk plastered on his face.''Hey! that's not nice!'' you retort stamping your little foot onto the dusty ground while stepping in front of Armin protectively. ''I can fight! He's not just doing it because he can't fight! I bet Armin's a great fighter'' you growl.

''Alright pipsqueak so you can fight huh?''Jean rested a hand on his hip obviously amused at you getting redder an redder from anger ''hey Y/N it's alright calm down..'' Armin tried to sooth, failing by far.

What Jean didn't expect was to be lying on his back, his lower body and legs hunched over him. ''W-WHAT!?'' He shrieked as you giggled lightly turning back and smiling towards Armin who nervously smiled back to you.

You heard laughter approaching and noticed Eren crying from laughter arriving at the scene ''how you like that horse-face! you got recked by a kid!'' he laughs bending over hitting his knee multiple times.

Was Eren laughing at you? Or Jean? Grumbling quietly you roughly landed a punch to Eren's stomach, hearing the teen howl in pain you swiped his legs from out under him. Jean who was sitting up began laughing whilst wincing from the pain. You shot the horse-faced boy a look and he immediately stopped ''wow Y/N you're a great fighter'' Armin complimented, you nodded ''thanks! But I'm going back to daddy now bye Armin!'' you grinned waving to the blonde and started walking back to your father who had just witnessed everything with Hanji and Erwin.

Hanji's and Erwin's mouth were slowly agape while you saw a proud smirk dance across your dad's lips. ''Woah Y/N how did you do that!?'' Hanji asked boggled, you looked up to her and she flinched lightly.

Silently shrugging you returned to your father's side smiling up to him as he ruffles your hair ''good work brat''.

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